Baxter Lomax
Wisconsin's evil Governor and champion of the wealthy to further impoverish America Scott Walker stopped by Chicago the other day and decided to campaign at the Billy Goat Tavern off of Michigan Avenue in downtown Chiraq. walker was seen talking to Billy Goat Sam Sinas who undoubtedly was talking something about taxes killing him and taking into his profits and ability to mange his shit shack and maintain his dive in this luxuriant area that has seen the death of many mom and pop places such as the Billy Goat. Most didn't have the marketing and promotional opportunities to stick around by having late night weekend network variety shows portray their places like the geriatric Mr Sam seemed to enjoy over the years. Without this late night classic skit from that television show I really doubt this old clown Sinas would have stayed in business as long as he has with his frozen oink slime burgers and bad fries.

Walker praised Illinois Govorner Bruce Rauner for his budgetary attacks on the working people not involved with major corporations in the state and pushed for reforms in public schools where the likes of Walker seek ways to create more money into the hands of fewer individuals in this system. power is only to be given to a very few already at the top and politicians such as Scott Walker will work hard that the leverage the very rich in this country have will never be threatened with distribution to people who actually do the work on the ground. scott walker talked about Donald Trump and bit and reaffirmed his promise of starting another war to stimulate the weapons and arms industry for more profit. A war with Iran is on top of his agenda the first day he steps into the white house if we have the horror of this schmuck becoming elected as president.

Scott walker says that Obama gave up to much in dealing with irans goal of becoming a regional player that threatens are world wide hegnomic neo-liberal and neo-colonialsm around the world so Americans can keep driving trucks with cheap gasoline. Scott Walker wrapped up this pathetic visit to the Windy City by playing bartender and doing his worse Baxter Lomax impersonation one can come up with. This guy better never come near the Itasca Inn behind tree Guys Pizzeria on Irving Park Road.
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