Oak Park is a exburb of Chicago that has totally gone all corporate as many tranquil shops and eateries have been displaced by corporate chains and sameness that could be found throughout the states. As a kid I always remember Oak Park being a urban village bordering Chicago but having a small suburban downtown with unique shops. A local classic was the hotdog stand Tasty Dogs who always seemed to be on a spot that greedy developers wanted to filter out of existence so they can build some Chilpote. Several years ago residents fought a land grab deal that tried to force this place out of existence and a compromise was accomplished as Tasty Dogs gave up their location and they rented out new building near by the old location.
Now the village of Oak Park is pressuring some back taxes that they said was not paid by current owner and are threatening to shut down this classic place that for generations Oak Park residents called their own unique stop. Village leaders have sold out to those businesses with more money and power who seek to stamp out alternative food competition in any way they can targeting these mom and pop shops that offer better deals and unique dining environment. No one wants nor remembers going to a Subway or Dairy Queen. Villages need unique spots like. Tasty dog that is neither corporate nor high end which seem to predominate much of the places around major cities and clearly puts a misprint into the younger generations tha life need all be about luxury and high end.
This mindset is exactly the reason this country is 17 trillion in debt as most of these high ends and corporate chains proves economically disaster for government existing primarily on subsidies to build and hold n to a key corner or intersection. The United States grew to a great power with small hamburger,tavern, and hot dog spots and not these high end Italian restraints whose foreign or duel citizenship allows owners are allowed to drain governments sources for small business encouragement and expansion.
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