Flamethrower allowed in 48 drunk states and a new tool to ger rid of a neighbor

Larry Frost
   Only two states have thus far put regulation on this insane product that best illustrates the delusional of American free-market capitalism as for the first time ever an actual flamethrower is available for purchase and on the market. yes that world war II weapon that has been banned since by war commissions for its act of brutality despite effectiveness of burning Japanese soldiers to a crisp who refused to stop fighting in caves. This new elegant product has been allowed for sale to little publicity by some crazy state legislatures in forty eight of the fifty states. only California and Maryland I believe had the sense to say in no way should this product ever be allowed legally on their streets. I will have to do some more research on this and call my people about why on Earth would this be approved and a good idea to sell at a dicks Sporting goods or other sporting goods stores across America. has this country just gone totally nuts and now encourages flamethrowing games to become the next skateboarding or paintball teen fad? What the fuck is going on in this country and how is this a good idea? perhaps if James Holmes the Aurora, Colorado theatre shooting had this it would of been much more effective burning and killing people in a new mass way. The x15 proudly touts itself as legal and can tout hot real flame fifteen feet to a target and I wonder if this stupid fucking company ever think that kids may get ahold of this and use it on animals and people. Why would anyone need a flame thrower unless they want to wreck havoc and have you seen people in rural areas. Does anyone think it is not scary as fuck that many of these people would gravitate to owning a personal flamethrower the way they have embraced guns? This company would get sued within weeks of this product coming out and I still think actually hope this is some sort of sick prank but from all appearance this is really a real fucking product. http://throwflame.com/ This is the website if you want to purchase this and use it as a tool against an unfaithful wife or that loud neighbors dog that just will not shut up. One pull of the trigger and a little fire where make that dog stop yelping for a while. For sixteen hundred dollars in much of this country you can get one of these flamethrowers for your everyday needs that require a flamethrower. do you hate your neighbors bigger house? Do you want to start a wildfire in remote California brush country? Do you want to melt a former co-worker? Do you want to explode a gas station or a parked liquid nitrate-carrying big rig? This product would be perfect for all your devilish desires and fun needs. Only a really twisted country would allow a product like this on the market and perhaps state legislators were sleeping in these states the day it was proposed for legality. Un fucking believable.

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