Matt Binder is one of the two idiots that fills in for Sam Sedar when he is evidently too lazy to do a whole weeks worth of programs. This monkey-faced jackass says even more ultra-liberal bullshit that even a Sam Sedar can say out of his beak and Binder is hoping by pushing the envelope he becomes someone important in the liberal speaking and broadcasting wastelands. Binder was incensed that Iowa radio host named Jan Mickelson proposed a solution to the illegal invasion epidemic by putting these illegals to even harder and free labor as punishment for their disregard to our laws and workers. This somehow made Binder go bonkers like an Chimpanzee and Binder said this is typical right-wing rural attitude in thee fly-by unsophisticated states that fear differences and the change liberals like him hope to see in their lifetime for this nation.
Fuckface Matt Binder angry about Iowa talk show host Jan Mickelson promoting slavery
Jordon Morgan
Matt Binder is one of the two idiots that fills in for Sam Sedar when he is evidently too lazy to do a whole weeks worth of programs. This monkey-faced jackass says even more ultra-liberal bullshit that even a Sam Sedar can say out of his beak and Binder is hoping by pushing the envelope he becomes someone important in the liberal speaking and broadcasting wastelands. Binder was incensed that Iowa radio host named Jan Mickelson proposed a solution to the illegal invasion epidemic by putting these illegals to even harder and free labor as punishment for their disregard to our laws and workers. This somehow made Binder go bonkers like an Chimpanzee and Binder said this is typical right-wing rural attitude in thee fly-by unsophisticated states that fear differences and the change liberals like him hope to see in their lifetime for this nation.
A Apeshit mongrelized looking pinhead like Matt Binder obviously wants to see minorities quickly become majority and feel more comfortable in this country and I wonder what his legal status is in this country. people like Jan Mickelson have been demanding a wall of protection against migrants which every country polices fully except this one brainwashed by leftist liberals and taken over by corporatist who want the cheapest of the cheap labor one can find. Binder is a complete idiot and dint even listen fully to what this Iowa radio host had said. The host even wanted to give these illegals two months warning which I would not be in agreement. I say just take them right now as property of the state and make them build that wall and pay this country back for the expenses and effects of their illegal migrations that have clearly cost this nation in the longer run constantly policing and paying for these jackasses and their services.
Illegal children should not receive free education and so forth and only those people who profit from Mexican illegals in either renting shackie apartments or hardly paying them a living wage would be against any plan. these Mexicans will not get amnesty and it would not be any more difficult transporting the often magical number of 12 million out of the country given how easy these bastards have gone back and forth for generations sucking the blood out of our budgets. in agreeing with Mr Michelson if it takes the threat of imposed brutal slavery to make these wetbacks quit coming to this country and abusing the system mugging tax payers then all be it lets get this peculiar institution back already. I already see a few in my neighborhood that have my name on them.
Matt Binder is one of the two idiots that fills in for Sam Sedar when he is evidently too lazy to do a whole weeks worth of programs. This monkey-faced jackass says even more ultra-liberal bullshit that even a Sam Sedar can say out of his beak and Binder is hoping by pushing the envelope he becomes someone important in the liberal speaking and broadcasting wastelands. Binder was incensed that Iowa radio host named Jan Mickelson proposed a solution to the illegal invasion epidemic by putting these illegals to even harder and free labor as punishment for their disregard to our laws and workers. This somehow made Binder go bonkers like an Chimpanzee and Binder said this is typical right-wing rural attitude in thee fly-by unsophisticated states that fear differences and the change liberals like him hope to see in their lifetime for this nation.
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