Markus Kramer explains ponzi schemeing elite branding to Smart people podcasters and is no smarter than Seinfeld's Kramer

Tony Miselli
   Chris Stemp and Jon Rojas host something called smart People Podcast and is basically a bunch of elite and entrepreneurs who come on and tell these two guys the way things should be in the world. A few of these broadcasts have had some important substantial guests through the years but most of these tech and business wonders of the world have chimerical dreams and fantasies. The podcast had a guest named Markus Kramer on one day who went on to bestow the wonders of luxury brands and how they continue to grow despite the recession that his most so hard. Rojas and Stemp had this sorry sack of shit on their program stating the importance of luxury brands and the importance of branding in general which this jack fucker is some sort of expert. Markus Kramer is no smarter than Kramer on the old Seinfeld TV programThese three idiots think because something is big business as the luxury goods industry that this somehow makes it morale or a good thing. Slavery and the trading of humans was a luxury for those who profited from this and an explanation of why the luxury industry is successful is not hard to explain as this jerk tries to explain on this podcast and his own website. No where did this fuck face say that the reason these brands witness such great growth and expense is the exclusivity of these products making the buyer think they are worth more than the item is whether it is a luxury car or a dam handbag/fucking purse. This is the undermine growth of luxury brands and they could not have achieved this without the reclusive actions  of people like Kramer and CEO plutocrats that place value on these brands because most of been financially ruined and will never be able to afford these items the plutocrats put a price tag. The bullshit that Markus Kramer says in this interview would make the TV character Kramer blush in shame. Even the smart people podcasts had to remind this dickless prick eater that the recession didn't affect those at the top because of their position. Stemp and Rojas went on to say how smart this guy is having helped Harley Davidson get their name out as the only American manufacture of motorcycles and so forth. Kramer is a smart guy knowing how well to keep the rich wealthy by spending on expensive items to help other rich people to keep their luxury lifestyle going under guise of branding and purchasing other items from each other in a Ponzi scheme fooling idiots like Chris Stemp and Jon Rojas thinking they are smart. Kramer's collective experience in making a product more expensive than it need to be because rich people will buy it because it is exclusive is really not a talent or skill and luxury goods only exist because there is a small class stealing everything from the economy and nothing is being done about these corporate and obsessive crimes by wealthy elites who gladly show off their abilities to get away with these extreme purchases.  This is something you will never hear hack podcasters such as Chris Stemp of Jon Rojas stand up to nor question when they have these big wig hoarders of nations economies. Eventually this Kramer jackass proved that he really is not any smarter than Seinfeld's Kramer as Markus stated that these high end products are deliberately set high to generate exclusivity to elaborately to create distance among people by income mechanics and product limitation by exclusivity and expense.  I would challenge this geek Markus Kramer to appear on a more progressive podcast where he can face a more contentious dialogue instead of the kiss ass and believability that of Smart People Podcasters

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