Neely Knight
NASCAR is a silly sort that would not exist without the funneling of corporate profit into sponsorship intended to create a nobility class. In the case with NASCAR this class consists of 'talented' people who drive a revved up car over and over in laps to the amusement of mostly White Southerners with too much time on their hand and money to waste. NASCAR offers the viewers nothing in suspense or athletic ability and it perhaps the biggest sham there is in society. This disingenuous sport syphon so much money into the sports and oil wasting complex that it even is ridiculous to bring it up. Apparently though the sport needs more drama and now WWE antics are coming after these boring races to bring more interest. I saw for a few weeks this month of post race altercations of these dumb drivers needing some good ESPN air time for their car racing sport.

These redneck NASCAR racers are acting ..well like rednecks after the race in the winners ring as the losers get upset and charge the winner in an accusatory manner.I wonder if there is a move to driverless cars if this sport can go away like the horse and buggy and chariot races. Regan Smith has won some controversial races bumping his opponents towards the end of these races and only Southern rednecks seem to give a shit. I just hate to see these idiots on my TV screen when I am trying to get updated on real sports and don't need to see Ty Dillon, Alex Tagliani try to act macho muchcho after a race. NASFUCK racers will never be household names in a country ever increasingly diverse and in need of sports that reflects these demographic changes. Sports like Tennis,Golf, NASCAR are just elite men's sports who need to outspend any real competition by making their respective sports so dam expensive and exclusive for others to partake. these drivers will never be household names no matter how tough they try to thug down after a disappointing race taking their frustrations on the winner. I will always respect horse race trainers and the men who clean the horses than any NASCAR driver.
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