Ali Muhammed

Red eye radio hosts do not want to see any deal in Iran of a nuclear agreement between the United States and Iran. These neo cons Eric Harley and Gary McNamara are hosts of an overnight propaganda radio program fully funded and bought for by big oil industries in the United States with the power of keeping something as these two unentertaining gentlemen on the airwaves. Harley and McNamara are two men who want to see economic sanctions continue to degrade and humiliate these proud people in order to meet the economic blackmail objectives of the united States neo-liberal agenda. The United States has been fighting a proxy war against Iran since 1953 when a freely elected politician won an election under the platform of redistribution of the countries oil-selling profits to all the citizens of this country. These two chumps keep ridiculing our politicians who seek to end these insane economic terrorism against the Persian people often repeating lines about seeing a few paid actors sing death to America in staged events likely funded by are oil industry as they paid to stage events calling for Mosaddegh ouster back in the day. Red Eye Radio hosts have a natural fear of this country ever since an Islamic revolution through out the puppet king that ran the country into the ground and whose brutalization of democratic and liberty principles this country was starting to gain leverage was squashed by air America.

A nuclear deal will allow this situation of a cold war to end and economic barriers and opportunities arise for people in both countries as Iran seeks to join the international community after these sanctions and forced fed poverty by the rest of the global world business world that has kowtowed to American hegemony. In actuality, jackasses like Harley and McNamara really have no opinion on this nuclear deal but are just repeating the lines the Koch brothers are telling them to say about this deal as they obviously don't want more oil on the worlds markets driving down the price of oil and gas hurting their profits and ability to fund these misinforming media programming. Iran will open up and be a more force in the region as a country that size should be and I hope they do have strategic alliances with their neighbor Iraq and make one with North Korea as a bulwark to the axis of evil that US capitalism and commodity control has on the rest of the world.
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