Rush Limbaugh went on to talk some shit the other day about what supoosely an African diplomat told him. the unnamed diplomat ,who rush couldn't even pronounce the name anyway, had supposedly told Rush Limbaugh that he found the number of vagrants in New York totally disgusting and that the UN should be held in another location because we have a homeless problem. In this diplomats home country of Gambia you don't see so many vagrants and that is likely in his country the homeless either die or are eaten by Lions,Tigers, or Bears. Somehow an Ass dick like Rush Limbaugh thinks that this African offense is proof that this country is down the toilet but others would take the approach that if are homeless can find urban refuge and help from others this should be seen as a positive. One shudders to think what a state like Gambia would likely do to their poor and underclass and this is proof that a would class city such as new York would be so offering to vagrants of the superiority of America. Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot and he likely would be one of these despised vagrants had a corporate entity not determine that his talent for talking lies should somehow be so financially rewarded. if this story is true ,which I doubt , perhaps the diplomat should tour his entire country instead of international cities around the world. many of these third-world diplomats spend their times more in London, Paris, New York, Chicago, Washington, and Milwaukee more than their own fucking countries and again this story seems some bullshit that rush wants to use to knock new York and the magnificent help many give our homeless populations with food and shelter.
even if some obscure African diplomat with a fucked up dialect did say this to Rush Limbaugh who cares if he is offended. I am sure some African diplomats could easily be offended by turning on the radio dial and hearing this fat asses show say stuff about Barrack Obama's African roots. The diplomat likely doesn't see that there is a hopeless vagrant population in his Gambia as well as there are just people loitering around everywhere and the weather is fine year round. Anyway you know rush Limbaugh is running out of things to say when he either quotes Gambian diplomats views of our largest city and then uses it as some proof of our standing in the world is dropping because we have allowed so many businesses to ship jobs overseas to allow a number of vagrants in big progressive cities maintaining their ability to survive.
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