Scott Horton and Sheldon Richmond try to redefine Marxism

Carl Olsen

  Sheldon Richmond is an arrogant old libertarian with a slanted agenda who often appears of Scott Horton's little listened too libertarian broadcasts on a tiny California station and the internet. Sheldon slants history better than many people and he appeared to talk about his analysis on class and Marxism distorting all accounts of Karl Marx. these two guys are against a state society because it interfere with the free-market worker exploitative practices that owners of capital would only reep the benefits. This is basically what libertarianism is all about and it is the defenders of capital who seek to expand these teachings. Most of the people preaching this needless to say are mostly wealthy and hate the idea of government redistributing any of their wealth to help those less off within the same ...and here is the key word..state. Libertarians like these two idiots hate the state educating all and providing all the citizens with an education and they seek to keep the class of production limited as much as possible. Richmond is part of these think tanks that try to use alternative media to distort the message and get theirs out there as some rational alternative solution when in actuality it serves to preserve the status quo of the very well-off in our society. Horton is a young punk that tries to blame the state and government instead of just plain rich people for hoarding the wealth. Most rich people make their extreme wealth through private organizations and decisions made my private enterprise instead of any government-connected companies that these libertarian jackasses try to mislead and twist. Richmond was on his podcast again trying to twist the situation blaming the state for inequality and linking wealth through state control decisions. a powerful state stands in the way of corruption and destruction of everything through the greed of a corporate class that would cut every tree and empty every pond if there was a way to make money and profit. This is what libertarians such as Scott Horton and the quacks he has on his programs trying to dispel and change the teachings of Karl Marx and others.

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