The dynamic duo of the iron shit and dung boys needs some different poyt pissing shit. Two among many to ntake a dump for the seaon chilling while their mans be busting ass with second string digalings. Cow hucksters be playing that game again making mega bucks for mega riched sugar daddy that mother fucking yogi bear fucking Jerry Jones.
Tony Roma and Ben Rothlesberger fuck their teams by getting hurt
Big Ant
The dynamic duo of the iron shit and dung boys needs some different poyt pissing shit. Two among many to ntake a dump for the seaon chilling while their mans be busting ass with second string digalings. Cow hucksters be playing that game again making mega bucks for mega riched sugar daddy that mother fucking yogi bear fucking Jerry Jones.
Be watching the shit and wondering where his boy Roma again. Roma taking a vacation in Rome Cuz be a pretty fly boy on that soccer shit jumping on the grass acting like shit tore out of his ass. Dang. This cocksucking blasted jamming gypsy no knows more longing to be free gaming champs into bad play fishing no more God dam faker jack. This guy knows how to flash the shit off of it but getting on the bull for sixteen tries pretty difficult taking all them hitz and breaing records like popping the weasel. Ben Rothlesberger be like tripping over defenders ass busting his knee like a toothpick in the mouth of a gator. the man is up dog no more Super appearences for this dude scumbing to injuries is n the forecast and the outlook not good for the iron curtain behind the defenses of loser and shit fuckers from tinseltown. Rothlisberger be injury prone because he a target with big legs, sweet mouth, dem ribs and bones for breaking into the arms linemen and fucking up a hurricane. The shit Ben know all about the fucken Benjamins and where to poke his ass for rollers to keep frying in the pan.
Nazi ass mother fucker Rothlisberger be pullin in hoping he jiving his way down the roadster blasting the shit like a jackhammering concrete mixer. Their days be over soon if not enough despite a return mid-season cause these guys have needles to prove their shit. Hanging the helmets for other dogs in lighter leagues and the college game soley need in the house. Champs be angering seeing these turkeys every Sundays needing a beat down until the quit being the drippin pss boys needed a broken helmet in their face.
The dynamic duo of the iron shit and dung boys needs some different poyt pissing shit. Two among many to ntake a dump for the seaon chilling while their mans be busting ass with second string digalings. Cow hucksters be playing that game again making mega bucks for mega riched sugar daddy that mother fucking yogi bear fucking Jerry Jones.
Saudi Arabia to kill the wrong Ali Muhammed
Andy Cruz
Some activist named Ali-Mohammed Al-Nimr will be drawn and quartered for a conspiracy against the Saudi Kingdom. His crime was wanting to fight for a more just and fair Saudi Arabia where all its citizens are equal. The wicked Saudi Kingdome will execute this Ali Mohommed While other Muslim and leftist activists ignore this execution and instead focus on perceived Islamaphobia. The Saudi state is also set to crucify him on a cross giving him the same pain and sufferings Jesus Christ was given from the Romans. This Ali Mohammed is seventeen years old by the way when the Saudi courts determined that he was a threat to the monarchy of Saudi Arabia, a country which routinely kills people for any minor slight and is one of the most brutal states in the world.
Our Ali Muhammed has said nothing and often defends the strict death sentence rulings that are routinely handed out in the Middle East for such things as even questioning religion or wanting to no longer be a Muslim and follow those practices. When they execute this kid the authorities in Arabia will also chop his head off just for good measure and warn other teenagers not to sway into the political arena of much needed and long overdue reform for this despotic Kingdome that out petrodollars have long made a power.
Some activist named Ali-Mohammed Al-Nimr will be drawn and quartered for a conspiracy against the Saudi Kingdom. His crime was wanting to fight for a more just and fair Saudi Arabia where all its citizens are equal. The wicked Saudi Kingdome will execute this Ali Mohommed While other Muslim and leftist activists ignore this execution and instead focus on perceived Islamaphobia. The Saudi state is also set to crucify him on a cross giving him the same pain and sufferings Jesus Christ was given from the Romans. This Ali Mohammed is seventeen years old by the way when the Saudi courts determined that he was a threat to the monarchy of Saudi Arabia, a country which routinely kills people for any minor slight and is one of the most brutal states in the world.
Anthoy Pagden tries to explain modern hostilities looking at old Persian wars
Andy Cruz
Author Anthony Pagden examines the two thousand year old epic battle between East vs West in human history that continues to the present day. Spanning the Greek-Persian wars to the current conflict with the Islamic world the author in his book called" worlds At War" sees these worlds conflict through contradictory values through the ages against one another. Through various wars against Asian representatives and the powers of Greece and Rome the reader learns that this long pivot for power has shaped the region of the Mediterranean today. The causes of all these conflicts though cannot be similar and the author often points out the importance of individual rights as the key factor.
Europe has long held a civilizing attitude against their near Eastern foes and this book deals exclusivity between the Near East and Europe as Pagden dwells on the battles and conflicts of various empires and countries. The superiority feeling of both regions to their neighboring empires and need to check them is a theme of this book but in history you can find more examples of Asian minor empires battling each other and of course Europeans battling each other being more prevalent than an East-West divide. Pagden tries to explain todays conflicts through examining history which really doesn't offer and intangible clue to the modern mistrust and hatred of the two regions. Romans and Ottomans both ruled over empires not made up of their own citizens and usually cam in contact with neighbors only to expand frontiers or keep them in check. European colonialism became possible because of the weakness of constant warfare in the near easy whether it be from the Persian-Arab divide or the Hindu-Islam divide in Europe and Pagden could write similar books on this that could as well be five hundred pages. No where does he mention the numerous Ottomon-Persian battles but instead focuses on the crusades and so forth.
The definition of what constituted a European or "Asian" is often ambiguous as the author points out when considering how Russia was thought of and given retrospect through the centuries being thought as an oriental despotism into a one of a European monarch in a span of a century or two, This work by Pagden also is pointless when one contradicts the French Napoleonic reasoning to spread their revolution invading Egypt and that their objections then put it more out of touch with most European monarchs as with the Near East. Why Pagden seems to view history in a East West divide instead mostly on Islamic non-Islamic divide in this book or French/English one is not known as the Greeks and Roman battles with Eastern empires have no real relevancy with modern divisions of the same lands. This book is too long and makes no sense and just is another history book of past facts and events.
Author Anthony Pagden examines the two thousand year old epic battle between East vs West in human history that continues to the present day. Spanning the Greek-Persian wars to the current conflict with the Islamic world the author in his book called" worlds At War" sees these worlds conflict through contradictory values through the ages against one another. Through various wars against Asian representatives and the powers of Greece and Rome the reader learns that this long pivot for power has shaped the region of the Mediterranean today. The causes of all these conflicts though cannot be similar and the author often points out the importance of individual rights as the key factor.
Europe has long held a civilizing attitude against their near Eastern foes and this book deals exclusivity between the Near East and Europe as Pagden dwells on the battles and conflicts of various empires and countries. The superiority feeling of both regions to their neighboring empires and need to check them is a theme of this book but in history you can find more examples of Asian minor empires battling each other and of course Europeans battling each other being more prevalent than an East-West divide. Pagden tries to explain todays conflicts through examining history which really doesn't offer and intangible clue to the modern mistrust and hatred of the two regions. Romans and Ottomans both ruled over empires not made up of their own citizens and usually cam in contact with neighbors only to expand frontiers or keep them in check. European colonialism became possible because of the weakness of constant warfare in the near easy whether it be from the Persian-Arab divide or the Hindu-Islam divide in Europe and Pagden could write similar books on this that could as well be five hundred pages. No where does he mention the numerous Ottomon-Persian battles but instead focuses on the crusades and so forth.
The definition of what constituted a European or "Asian" is often ambiguous as the author points out when considering how Russia was thought of and given retrospect through the centuries being thought as an oriental despotism into a one of a European monarch in a span of a century or two, This work by Pagden also is pointless when one contradicts the French Napoleonic reasoning to spread their revolution invading Egypt and that their objections then put it more out of touch with most European monarchs as with the Near East. Why Pagden seems to view history in a East West divide instead mostly on Islamic non-Islamic divide in this book or French/English one is not known as the Greeks and Roman battles with Eastern empires have no real relevancy with modern divisions of the same lands. This book is too long and makes no sense and just is another history book of past facts and events.
Michael Savage loses it this week on the Pope and Bernie Sanders
Jerry Palmer
Michael Savage is a complete idiot and only an insane capitalist industry can put a moron like him on the air. Michael savage has been on a tear ripping anyone who has thinking not along his warped brainwaves. He has called Pope Francis a communist and mocked the Pope for proclaiming a obvious environmental disaster coming because of the same greed that wants to keep power and would pay profits to sponsor a scum like Michael to be on the airwaves with his crazy brainwaves.
The stupid savage then compared both the Pope and Bernie Sanders to Pol Pot as Michael is jealous and scared shitless of the popularity of these two men and the alternative message they bring to the table aside from the one Savage supports that says only rich people can call the shots and make all the decisions in society. If anyone would be like Pol Pot it would be a jerk who shares the opinions of a Michael Savage This is what a fuck face like Michael Savage fears most and why he has been foaming at the mouth like a rabid Mongoose in recent days. He is a complete idiot who really offers society nothing being on the airwaves and people need to call this fucks advertisers and ask why the fuck are they paying money to someone like him. Savage is one of the most rotten individuals ever given a microphone period.
Michael Savage is a complete idiot and only an insane capitalist industry can put a moron like him on the air. Michael savage has been on a tear ripping anyone who has thinking not along his warped brainwaves. He has called Pope Francis a communist and mocked the Pope for proclaiming a obvious environmental disaster coming because of the same greed that wants to keep power and would pay profits to sponsor a scum like Michael to be on the airwaves with his crazy brainwaves.
INBEV Budweiser and Miller merger tyical of last call
Baxter Lomax
The two biggest brewers in the world want to combine and make more of a monopoly which is something the global business world is well familiar. This is after all the reason for globalization to make these cross national mergers and acquisitions easier and if Miller and Inbev combine they would control over forty percent of the market. This would even be ore reason never to order these products in a bar and are best use for the cheapskates who would most likely buy this product (Mexicans) in a shady liquor store. INBEV and Miler products are rarely ordered now days in your more upscale bars and Irish taverns in this country at least in urban areas. This acquisition really doesn't matter and would only spell the end quicker for this company as the reason for the merger is high costs of shipping and that fewer people are willing to endure piss water beer that these companies are famous for in their two ore popular brands.
This merger would help it in the developing markets like Africa that doesn't brew much of their own shit and is a continent willing to take what is offered and that would only be the large international brewer that this merger would create. The merger would make this company stronger in the short run undoubtedly allowing them just to buy other popular brands for a while before people realized that their favorite brand is now owned by this multi-national behemoth and quality would go down. The combined company would own more than two hundred beers many of which are popular but obviously a merger would also see the demise of some of these brands as this company would try to keep profits high and cut down on soe of its offerings it no longer sees to have on board. This deal stinks in many ways and would be made to help shareholders see an increase for a short term nut in the long term people are still gravitating away from the sewer garbage these companies offer and are more in tune with smaller breweries with quality and art in their product that a large company can never duplicate.
The two biggest brewers in the world want to combine and make more of a monopoly which is something the global business world is well familiar. This is after all the reason for globalization to make these cross national mergers and acquisitions easier and if Miller and Inbev combine they would control over forty percent of the market. This would even be ore reason never to order these products in a bar and are best use for the cheapskates who would most likely buy this product (Mexicans) in a shady liquor store. INBEV and Miler products are rarely ordered now days in your more upscale bars and Irish taverns in this country at least in urban areas. This acquisition really doesn't matter and would only spell the end quicker for this company as the reason for the merger is high costs of shipping and that fewer people are willing to endure piss water beer that these companies are famous for in their two ore popular brands.
Andy Cruz remarks on Mina Muslim pilgrimage stampede
Jordon Morgan
I love are writer Andy Cruz at this blog. This guy hates Muslims and cant let a day go by without letting people know this is a fact. Andy was really talking up the stampede the other day where seven hundred Muslims were trampled and he wrote a real inflammatory article that was rejected by our editor Troy York sending him fuming out of the office for a few days.
Cruz hasn't been back since although he has some book review project on a topic he loves so much that was due yesterday. Somebody talked to Cruz and I found out that he has been posting everywhere on youtube concerning this Mina stampede using Troy York's youtube account and as usual his remarks are defamatory and insulting about this tragedy where seven hundred Muslims killed themselves rushing to throw rocks on a wall they consider being the devil. many of Cruz's remarks have been quickly taken off especially the youtube channels that are Islamic by nature and here is a top ten list of some of the comments Cruz made under our boss.
about the Muslim Mina stampede on news youtube channels
10 Abdullah. Where areeee you
9 Maybe this was an inside job just like these bastards say 9/11
8 This is the fucken country that wants to host a World Cup when they can't even manage a pilgrimage?

7 Maybe Allah doesn't want them to come and look at a fucking rock
6 Imagine the smell of this pileup.
5 These Arabs are so lazy they likely need guest workers to untangle these corpses
4 They need to slow their camels and slow down taking turns to throw these stones
3 See what happened when you got millions converging all wearing Roman togas
2 Who cares about this stampede. These Muslims likely stampeded because the thought they can get their virgins right then and there
1 What is a Mecca pilgrimage without death and stampede. Its Arabiana and Islamicana
I love are writer Andy Cruz at this blog. This guy hates Muslims and cant let a day go by without letting people know this is a fact. Andy was really talking up the stampede the other day where seven hundred Muslims were trampled and he wrote a real inflammatory article that was rejected by our editor Troy York sending him fuming out of the office for a few days.
about the Muslim Mina stampede on news youtube channels
10 Abdullah. Where areeee you
9 Maybe this was an inside job just like these bastards say 9/11
8 This is the fucken country that wants to host a World Cup when they can't even manage a pilgrimage?

7 Maybe Allah doesn't want them to come and look at a fucking rock
6 Imagine the smell of this pileup.
5 These Arabs are so lazy they likely need guest workers to untangle these corpses
4 They need to slow their camels and slow down taking turns to throw these stones
3 See what happened when you got millions converging all wearing Roman togas
2 Who cares about this stampede. These Muslims likely stampeded because the thought they can get their virgins right then and there
1 What is a Mecca pilgrimage without death and stampede. Its Arabiana and Islamicana
Joe Paterno fans as sick as Sandusky
Guy Baldwin
sports addicts in Western Pennsylvania refuse to let go a man whose harboring of a pedophile coach got him fired and unrecognized by the NCAA back in 2011. Fans this year keep coming out to the games with cut outs of the now dead Joe Paterno because they are rural losers with nothing else to think about except some disgraced coach.
A group of old alumni and just old fans in general are pushing for the Joe Paterno statue to return to the staidium and full recognition of this man who allowed assistant coach Jerry Sandusky to rape young boys for more than a decade on campus grounds. College Football is a disgraceful affair in this country and nothing more illustrated this filth than the Sandusky affair back in 2011. People who still want to remember this legacy are twisted in the head and lawsuits to get more disclosure are pending as these fans want to vindicate this guy so much because he happened to win alot of games at Penn State. The apologists of these people in Pennsylvania for some college football coach who allowed illegal sexual abuse is much like the ignoring of church sexual abuse through the years as people in high authority are given leeway because of their position in what they happen to worship.
The only legacy Joe Paterno has is allowing the abuse of children which would of landed the guy behind bars had it be known back then. Joe Paterno is much as scum as Jerry Sandusky as are the Penn state fans who want to restore everything about Paterno on the campus and stadium grounds.
sports addicts in Western Pennsylvania refuse to let go a man whose harboring of a pedophile coach got him fired and unrecognized by the NCAA back in 2011. Fans this year keep coming out to the games with cut outs of the now dead Joe Paterno because they are rural losers with nothing else to think about except some disgraced coach.
Catalonia on the brink
Ramon Ramos
Catalonia voters in the Spanish Republic will vote on the 27 whether to secede from Spain. The Catalan people have preserved their language despite decades of suppression and are now expressing nationalistic ideas about breaking up with the people who only wanted to hear Spanish in such international cities as Barcelona. Catalon leader Arthur Mas has stated if the people vote on the referendum he will set out a goal of quick independence of this nation with deep historical roots as a separate people and culture. For forty years under Spanish dictator Francisco France intense attempts were do e to erase this language as a separate identity.
Franco used all institutions at his disposal to suppress the Catalan culture and decades later after his death he would be rolling in his grave had he seen this prestigious cultural reclamation efforts to preserve this identity. The language has over thirteen million adherents making it the ninth largest language in Europe so this is no remote linguistic and regional effort. The language has a long publishing history as long as the first printing presses and is well represented in the Spanish media with its alternative channels and stations. These regional elections are big news and again the neo-liberal order is trying to thwart an independence movement in Europe threatening to put sanctions and kick them out of the Euro. A movement of democracy such as this scares the globalists and why they push harder for migrations to disrupt feelings for a nation state based on ethnicity.
The Central bankers in Europe will do everything in their power to disrupt this vote and make it impossible for this region to leave central control of it by Madrid. They will freeze the assets and deposits of this land and shut them off from future funding. European officials say the country wold have to reapply to join the European Union if this vote succeeds and if Catalona is smart they wold celebrate being free of this dirty Union as much as their newfound independence. The independence of Catlannoa can be an awakening to other movements and regions seeking to jump ship from Central authorities that construct a global order of trade to keep a few middlemen in control of government and all the revenues and benefits of trade.
Sam Sedar and gang sad at Bill Mahers mockery of Muslim student bomb arrest
Ed West
The Islamic kid who brought bomb looking clock into a suburban Dallas school district was rightfully arrested and some media outlets proclaimed the audacity of his family using him as an agenda. This clock story was a total set up as his rotten Muslim activist father went fishing for some discrimination activity in an area that had Islamic terrorist attempts in recent months. the Mohamed family has a history of making bizarre accusations including a bomb threat made by this punks sister and people with intellect with wires and connectivity need to be investigated such as this kid. Ahmed may of even done this to cry out about the shit going on in his religious extremist nut-ball family in texas constantly trying to find ways to play victim from the infidel.
Sam Sedar as host of the liberal scum show and pro-Islamic leftist majority report used this case for several days as his warped example of Islamaphobia because police wondered why he brought a suitcase clock to school. Sedar and his co-hart studio sidekicks were angry and upset as other educated liberals sided with authorities for questioning this kid and making the arrest. Sedar's disdain for Sam Harris is well-known but he also went on a tangent criticizing bill Maher for bringing up that this clock looked like a fucking bomb. That was the intention of the Mohamed family in seeking media attention and social media bullshit from liberals to bash the system. They do this so they can have some lawsuit case and highlight of perceived discrimination against this fucking group that does its own discrimination at will. Liberals from the web all over from daily beast to Daily Kos blasted Bill Maher through articles but I just want to focus on the shit named Sam Sedar.
They talk about the hard on that Maher has against Muslims but what is the fascination and hard on fucks like Sam Sedar have for fucking Muslims. who cares if the kid was fourteen years old there are terrorists all over the Middle East blowing up people in the name of their God and we have to be vigilant as hell against these people to ensure what happens on a daily occurrence does not happen on our soil with these nuts.
Sam Sedar and apologists for Muslim extremism seem to wish that we fall and have daily occurrences of bombed out schools and markets because they have such rage and hate for their own country and people. They hate the idea of Bill Maher and Sam Harris who are not usually thought of or aligned with the right expressing their opinions and views that do not correspond to the views of their extreme leftist opinions on the enemy of my enemy must be my friend view.
The Islamic kid who brought bomb looking clock into a suburban Dallas school district was rightfully arrested and some media outlets proclaimed the audacity of his family using him as an agenda. This clock story was a total set up as his rotten Muslim activist father went fishing for some discrimination activity in an area that had Islamic terrorist attempts in recent months. the Mohamed family has a history of making bizarre accusations including a bomb threat made by this punks sister and people with intellect with wires and connectivity need to be investigated such as this kid. Ahmed may of even done this to cry out about the shit going on in his religious extremist nut-ball family in texas constantly trying to find ways to play victim from the infidel.

Vladami Putin attempts to subdue and take over Syria
Ali Muhammed
Vladimir Putin and Russia is again. Trying to get more involved in Syria and prolong the reign of Bashir Assad and thus the civil war in Syria that has taken over two hundred thousand lives. Russia is flexing its foreign Influence and signaling to the Middle East they are still a major player in the region and forwarding a direct sign to powers in the area they are still a force t be reckoned with and never went away. Vladimir Putin sees the importance of this region as a base for Russian overseas power and shipping abilities in the region and one has to remember that Russia has been a traditional enemy of Islam for centuries Ali g with the French and modern day American empire in the region. The Turks know from a long history of fighting the Russians in the caucus the problematic nature of Russian involvement in their region and Russia was a major reason for the Ottoman Empire for declining through the centuries and abruptly ending following World War I.
Vladimir Putin threatens to start World War III in this region as Russian fighters and warplanes approach an area that just a few years ago looked like it would see Americans flock navy ships to bomb the government forces of Bashir Assad. Putin knows low oil prices threaten his regime and somehow propping a loyal ally is step one f his plans for more hegemony in a region long dominated by the Americans and British in recent years.
The lengthening of the Syrian war has only lead to the increase of foreign fighters flocking into the country of Syria and neighboring Iraq and gave rise to the Islamic State as a player in the region of diverse Muslims trying to create a Sunnistan power base to growing their Caliphate and influence. The only difference between them and the Russians is most of their fighters are native to the region and see religion.
Putin said that if Assad is overthrown their interests and chaos would develop in Syria perhaps setting up a new stage of genocidal actions not seen on the scale since Rwanda or Bosnia. As the key to retiring their prestige and ending the dominate influence of foreign powers in their region and culture. Thousands of disgruntled Muslims from Russia's restive Caucasus region have joined Islamic State, many returning to direct their militant training against troops, police and civilians in a campaign of terrorism that threatens the peace across Russia's "soft underbelly" of Muslim communities in Central Asia. This has more to do with anything else with Putin's new interest in seeing a brokerage in this Syrian conflict. Bashir Assad has long been an puppet of imperial foreign powers who use him and his forces as a client whose monopoly of power and rule in Syria eventually lead up to a rebellion exacerbated by climate change and a deepening of multi-national influence in the area at the expense of local people struggling to survive. Vladamir Putin and Russia getting involved in another foreign Muslim land will only increase the hate and direct it towards Russian targets and holdings in the area and give further incentive to fight harder to overthrow the forces loyal to dictator Bashir Assad and the Alleppo
The lengthening of the Syrian war has only lead to the increase of foreign fighters flocking into the country of Syria and neighboring Iraq and gave rise to the Islamic State as a player in the region of diverse Muslims trying to create a Sunnistan power base to growing their Caliphate and influence. The only difference between them and the Russians is most of their fighters are native to the region and see religion.
Pope Francis visits America
Gerald Jasper
A progressive Pope has come to America to proclaim the message much to the displeasure of right-wing conservatives whose views of a Calvinist economic hierarchical version of Christianity does not correlate to Pope Francis. Francis has come to the home of extreme neo-liberalism to tell this country we need to accept migrants and do more for the poor as the main goal of Christianity.
Others beg to differ in protestant evangelical America whose main message of their twisted version of Christianity is protecting profits for the upper classes. the pope visited congress and gave them a scolding about their incompetence to do more for the poor. What is great about Francis visit is that it is so different than the crap you will hear preached on Sunday in the Southern bible belt which you will not see Francis go anywhere near while visiting America. He reminded this bought congress from lobbyists that all political activity must serve and promote the good of the person and be based on respect for his or her dignity He visited the World Trade Center and talked bout fighting extremism of all sorts. many right wing conservatives despite this famous Pope the first from the Americas and one with a different message than the hateful one promoted by so many before him. This is a Pope acting like how a Christian is suppose to and not a war-mongering crusader promoting fear of life and greed for gold. Muslims also hate to see this pope come and visit with his message of tolerance as few hold tolerance and this Pope would get killed on the average street of Northern Nigeria or Syria. This pope is different and the message he is promoting is one that Jesus would of repeated and this is something the evangelicals and the religious theocratic nut-jobs who use religion to promote their economic agenda and order will never understand. Anyone using religion to spread misinformation and hate is really distorting the message and purpose of religion as it is not meant to keep your economic power and integrity but to spread the news of love and charity of those needing a hand. Red State religious leaders and politicians in the South will never accept this concept. This is why they will never get a visit from a hip Pope
A progressive Pope has come to America to proclaim the message much to the displeasure of right-wing conservatives whose views of a Calvinist economic hierarchical version of Christianity does not correlate to Pope Francis. Francis has come to the home of extreme neo-liberalism to tell this country we need to accept migrants and do more for the poor as the main goal of Christianity.
Moses Malone and Darryle Dawkins are dead and playing at a higher level
Dave Berkson
Two NBA legends are dead within months of each other and both are former Philadelphia 76 ers players. The shocking early deaths of these two giants illustrates how big time athletes rarely live a full life and in these two cases it was because they were genetic huge freaks. This genetic disposition of course allowed them to be NBA players although I would call neither of them a legend. both of these huge men had abilities given them by either God or random space particles and gas to be very huge which is beneficial for this game. However neither would be in the top ten of all time players nor even the top fifty. Moses Malone and Darryl Dawkins were not wilt Chamberlin and now both of them are plain dead.
Darryl Dawkins was known as Dr D in a clear ripoff of the nickname Dr J which belonged to julies Irving whom both of these gentle giants played with. Julies Irving , by the way, is definitely a top fifty basketball player of all time and was not as big and goofy as these two. I was once at an NBA game where Darryl Dawkins smashed the glass backboard with a thunderous dunk and he did this on several occasions in his NBA career.
The man was thought of coming out of the college game as an heir apparent of Wilt Chamberlin but he never lived up to those expectations. his defensive game was abhorrent and he seemed timid to dribble the ball. the guy was just big and in the way most of his points. This guy was injured more than a seven year old race horse and I think he played one season in 1982 of all 81 games and his point average per game was pretty bad. I really don't know how this guys death even received any news column. Most of the twelve points he averaged per game I imagine were dunks up close.
as far as Moses Malone goes his career was a bit better. he managed to help Doctor J to the promised land in one championship but is was soon done after that. Moses had injury problems as well and was pretty much an underachiever as well not fulfilling his promise as one of the all-time greats of the game. Moses put up huge numbers in Houston and should of stayed with that organization but greed got to the better of him.
Moses was a selfish player who was shipped around often in the NBA despite his game because of his bad attitude always wanting the ball. his stint with Milwaukee was horrible and made me cancel my season tickets with his failures and tarnishing of this once proud Milwaukee Buck basketball organization. the Bucks have been forever cursed by Moses and his unholy attitude he brought to them.
Two NBA legends are dead within months of each other and both are former Philadelphia 76 ers players. The shocking early deaths of these two giants illustrates how big time athletes rarely live a full life and in these two cases it was because they were genetic huge freaks. This genetic disposition of course allowed them to be NBA players although I would call neither of them a legend. both of these huge men had abilities given them by either God or random space particles and gas to be very huge which is beneficial for this game. However neither would be in the top ten of all time players nor even the top fifty. Moses Malone and Darryl Dawkins were not wilt Chamberlin and now both of them are plain dead.
Darryl Dawkins was known as Dr D in a clear ripoff of the nickname Dr J which belonged to julies Irving whom both of these gentle giants played with. Julies Irving , by the way, is definitely a top fifty basketball player of all time and was not as big and goofy as these two. I was once at an NBA game where Darryl Dawkins smashed the glass backboard with a thunderous dunk and he did this on several occasions in his NBA career.
as far as Moses Malone goes his career was a bit better. he managed to help Doctor J to the promised land in one championship but is was soon done after that. Moses had injury problems as well and was pretty much an underachiever as well not fulfilling his promise as one of the all-time greats of the game. Moses put up huge numbers in Houston and should of stayed with that organization but greed got to the better of him.
Milt Rosenberg and Rick Telander look at college sports corruption
Leroy Yost
Milt Rosenberg had Rick Telander and another guest on his program to talk about college football and corruption. College Football has no place in an academic setting one of which Milt Rosenberg spent much of his time around and he even said he hardly ever attended any of these sporting events. Rick Telander and this other guest went on Milt's 50 watt radio program based in Evanston and basically talked about the situation of college athletics and how much money these big-time programs make and how little of it benefits the academic institutions. They also talked about how much these universities spend to achieve the standard for these athletes so they can pass their classes with at least a D average. You average student would never get these free resources that colleges allow unequally because someone can pass a ball quickly to another fool.
These players are paid pittance while at the same time many are highlighted through these television contracts that bring these five big conferences millions of dollars. The spending of these programs for huge staffs of friends and people on the payroll Milt asked these sports experts and Telander mentioned how they spend thousands for the best tile shower floors and a huge water fountain as in the case for the women's locker room in the University of Alabama. Milt was flabbergasted how much money the coaching staff can achieve these days as head coaches by far make ten times more than the president of these top notch state and private universities. Rick Telander being a former player and making his livelihood from writing about sports naturally seemed to side with these huge salaries for these coaches few of which are minority despite the high level of black players in division one football that has been the case forever. I love milt's programs looking at college sports from time to time and he is a pretty cool guy for someone born in 1915.
This insightful discussion of the corruption and influence of college football on the social and academic scene can be found in the archives of Milt Rosenberg's podcast and anytime you can hear Milt bash sports on Americas colleges it is good along with one of the three great sport writing Ricks.
Milt Rosenberg had Rick Telander and another guest on his program to talk about college football and corruption. College Football has no place in an academic setting one of which Milt Rosenberg spent much of his time around and he even said he hardly ever attended any of these sporting events. Rick Telander and this other guest went on Milt's 50 watt radio program based in Evanston and basically talked about the situation of college athletics and how much money these big-time programs make and how little of it benefits the academic institutions. They also talked about how much these universities spend to achieve the standard for these athletes so they can pass their classes with at least a D average. You average student would never get these free resources that colleges allow unequally because someone can pass a ball quickly to another fool.

Eight new Krispy Kremes suppose to come to Chicago area to make a dent in Dunkin Donuts
Armando Arturo
Krispy Kreme is suppose to come back to the Chicago region in huge numbers after all but disappearing during the recession and this is welcome news for diversity in this area. There are some four hundred Dunkin Donut locations around Chicagoland and the reason they are so successful are variable but the chief one among it is its lack of competition as there are few mom and pop stores in the area making fresh donuts.
Dunkin Donuts is ninety percent Indian owned in the region and many had complained about the hard working with the process of making fresh donuts at the actual location. Many owners have pooled their resources and make donuts in one ugly huge warehouse in the middle of Bedford park often shipping their product to these hundred of outlets and exposing the flour products to tasty diesel. Krispy Kreme would not follow this business procedure and they would hopefully concentrate on coffee as well to hit into the sales and help bring about some welcome demise of this conglomerate corporate and foreign owned entity that is the Dunkin shippers.
These fucks are to lazy even to make the fucking donut at their store. When comparing the number of mom and pop cool independent donut stores one can find in Los Angeles and seeing the monstrous massive mess that is Dunkin Donuts the Northern Illinois region is in need of donut change.
This news came out in Jue and I am still waiting for these shops to show up and it made me even wonder why so many went under in the first place while Dunkin thrived. Dunkin Donuts somehow managed a cheaper alternative back then but this shipping process is fairly new development on their part. Perhaps the first expansion of Krispy Kreme was mainly done to get new construction stimulus going and maybe this time they will actually try to sell more coffee and marketing to get their presence felt and desired for the public. Whatever the reason anyplace that makes their donuts onsite and not so dominated by people from two states of the Indian sub-continent is only pleasing to hear.
Krispy Kreme is suppose to come back to the Chicago region in huge numbers after all but disappearing during the recession and this is welcome news for diversity in this area. There are some four hundred Dunkin Donut locations around Chicagoland and the reason they are so successful are variable but the chief one among it is its lack of competition as there are few mom and pop stores in the area making fresh donuts.
Dunkin Donuts is ninety percent Indian owned in the region and many had complained about the hard working with the process of making fresh donuts at the actual location. Many owners have pooled their resources and make donuts in one ugly huge warehouse in the middle of Bedford park often shipping their product to these hundred of outlets and exposing the flour products to tasty diesel. Krispy Kreme would not follow this business procedure and they would hopefully concentrate on coffee as well to hit into the sales and help bring about some welcome demise of this conglomerate corporate and foreign owned entity that is the Dunkin shippers.
USA Eagles become drones against Samoa in rugby world Cup
Guy Baldwin
I take no greater pleasure than mentioning often to American sports fans the accolades of international sports that they never dream of following and will follow a conversation on baseball or hockey on with something on rugby or international soccer. This month the World cup of Rugby is going on and mentioning the battles of the USA eagles will be a forgone conclusion to any sports discussion. The Americans got their asses handed to them by Samoa this past week which is a nation of two hundred thousand meaty people whose love affair for this game has well been established. Rugby has a difficult time growing in America for various reasons and international tournaments are often an embarrassment for rugby and soccer fans born in the USA.
Most of the American team is made up of Irish-born players whose islands own love of the game is also notable. this has been a great tournament thus far with Japans huge upset over sport powerhouse South Africa and despite this the sport still draws small media exposure most likely because of the power of the NFL and MLB not wanting more competition in sports. unlike pro football players decked out in pads rugby is a game with less collusion and more running which would make this game impossible to play for most current NFL players in fatball who tire easy and need huddles and waterboys coming onto the field to feed minerals into their overly massive bodies. big meat is needed in rugby as well but upon looking at these players one can tell really easy that these guys are way more athletic and strong than any of the shit you see in the NFL perhaps only outside of the linebacker position. One can say that all these rugby players are lean and muscular linebackers and it is only a matter of time rugby reaches pro footballs popularity in the states. The Americans can't compete in this game despite being a nation of three hundred million and there is something momentous about this I feel. The Samoans zip and passed the ball like they were the Celtics of the seventies and they play this game with a notable pride that they should beat these larger nations. watching this American team and seeing the makeup it can be questionable if this team even could be called Americans as so many have roots in other countries where they actually play this game for real and zeal. whatever the case as in soccer lets hope this sport can actually grow in popularity with the natives who see this as a rightfully better alternative than the corrupt college and pro game in America that has been hijacked by corporatists just seeking to make millions more for billionaires owners often as the expense of tax payers.
I take no greater pleasure than mentioning often to American sports fans the accolades of international sports that they never dream of following and will follow a conversation on baseball or hockey on with something on rugby or international soccer. This month the World cup of Rugby is going on and mentioning the battles of the USA eagles will be a forgone conclusion to any sports discussion. The Americans got their asses handed to them by Samoa this past week which is a nation of two hundred thousand meaty people whose love affair for this game has well been established. Rugby has a difficult time growing in America for various reasons and international tournaments are often an embarrassment for rugby and soccer fans born in the USA.
President Xi of China comes to America and gives it a warning
Wally Jackson
President Xi Jinping came to America and gave it a stern warning not to get to tough with cyber attack accusations saying it had little ability to stop and is aslo a victim of cyber attacks coming from China/ President Xi came to America though to ink some major deals and please the free-trade sellers in America at the same time trying to remain tough about Chinas rightfully place as leader of Asia. xi came here to reassure the business class on trade and that china will comply with all meetings and will work to stop infringements and copyright issues which basically should be about as reassuring as having a flock of crows watch a wheat field.
China has few regulatory places and is not really willing to spend and slow growth because some bootleg music and movies gets sold in Chinese markets. President Xi spoke to a crowd of 600 executives and reminded these shits that China is an authoritarian state and not a corporate one. China has growing missile technology that will soon make the US nave obsolete but Xi is not here to brag or cause trouble. He realizes that climate issues is a future worrying issue that if not dealt with will hit an economic futures for both powerful nations that should work together to remain powerful and strong to its citizens. While it relies on cheap labor the way China sees it is any labor is better than no labor and starvation and mass upheaval that has been too often the case of Chinas history and incompetent rule in the past.
Much of this had to deal with enormous strains placed upon it by its simultaneous cold wars with both Soviets and America and china is a new nation deserving of its place in the modern stage. American business free-trade globalists have benefited from an open China and its new economic leaders such as president Xi and while everything is not perfect it is much more beneficially to all the people in the world to have an economically developed China providing for an area with a fourth of the people on the globe. xi was tired of all the criticism it faces from North America and decided to pay this continent a visit to get some things off of his chest.He even decided to buy a bunch of fucking Boeing jets to please some aerospace executives needing some sales in the midst of a major slump. Xi and Barack Obama have spoken many times during this visit and cooperation between these two super powers is exactly a crucial decision both of these world leaders have made in these uncertain tension filled times.
President Xi Jinping came to America and gave it a stern warning not to get to tough with cyber attack accusations saying it had little ability to stop and is aslo a victim of cyber attacks coming from China/ President Xi came to America though to ink some major deals and please the free-trade sellers in America at the same time trying to remain tough about Chinas rightfully place as leader of Asia. xi came here to reassure the business class on trade and that china will comply with all meetings and will work to stop infringements and copyright issues which basically should be about as reassuring as having a flock of crows watch a wheat field.
Much of this had to deal with enormous strains placed upon it by its simultaneous cold wars with both Soviets and America and china is a new nation deserving of its place in the modern stage. American business free-trade globalists have benefited from an open China and its new economic leaders such as president Xi and while everything is not perfect it is much more beneficially to all the people in the world to have an economically developed China providing for an area with a fourth of the people on the globe. xi was tired of all the criticism it faces from North America and decided to pay this continent a visit to get some things off of his chest.He even decided to buy a bunch of fucking Boeing jets to please some aerospace executives needing some sales in the midst of a major slump. Xi and Barack Obama have spoken many times during this visit and cooperation between these two super powers is exactly a crucial decision both of these world leaders have made in these uncertain tension filled times.
Milwaukee and Madison disparties reveal in Sentinel report
Ned Baily
A recent report details how government determines the winners and losers of cities withen states and nothing illustrates this more than Wisconsin's twin cities of Madison and Milwaukee. In the past thirty years government has rewarded the state capital and essentially itself in Wisconsin and Madison has grown like forty percent with an average household income of seventy thousand dollars while Milwaukee has dramatically declined in both population and income wages. the average household of Milwaukee is some forty grand and in this battle between private industry and government in Wisconsin it is clear that government won bigtime.
Madison like Austin, Texas and other select cities thrived the impact of higher education and new technology; entrepreneurship and new businesses and stimulus programs through the great society to Obama's stimulus. older commercial centers were allowed to whither and conspired with investing class to create these no=go zones of investing for long periods of time to depreciate value and have reservations for low-income people to gravitate to when they get displaced in gentrifying areas. these inequalities also extend towards higher education arena withen the stae University sysytems as total spending per student, UW-Madison spends $59,000, compared with $19,000 at UW-Milwaukee. This difference is largely in research dollars which elites are inposition to determine where they shall be directed and in Wisconsen much of it went towards Madison as it draws more interest for foreigners to relocate than say Lacrosse. The Madison research spending per student is $26,000, compared to $2,600 in Milwaukee and you see very few students from China and india wish to locate in the jungles of Milwaukee. The other rural state sysytems also see huge drop-offs of expenditure directed their ways and the situation will get worse following Scott Walker's decisions to cut spending for higher education. The disparities between Madison and Milwaukee is the result of this new public-private partnership where they get to decide where public dollars gets diverted and invested.
A recent report details how government determines the winners and losers of cities withen states and nothing illustrates this more than Wisconsin's twin cities of Madison and Milwaukee. In the past thirty years government has rewarded the state capital and essentially itself in Wisconsin and Madison has grown like forty percent with an average household income of seventy thousand dollars while Milwaukee has dramatically declined in both population and income wages. the average household of Milwaukee is some forty grand and in this battle between private industry and government in Wisconsin it is clear that government won bigtime.

Jewish retreat book looks at a typical teen journey of roots in Israel
Arnold Buckley
Graphic novel review time and a book written by Sarah Glidden exposes the tribulations and occurrences to the Jewish retreat tours many wealthy Jews send their teenagers to see their homelands in Israel. This is a pretty interesting look and debate of a girl who questions everything the state of Israel does in the occupied territories. Many Jewish teenagers apparently from all over the world go on these heritage roots examination and this book gives a detail of what it may be like.
In her book "How To Understand Israel In Sixty days Or Less" we are given a spiritual journey and dialogue between diverse teenagers on tjeir views of Israel. The book centers on this teen girl from Brooklyn who makes this journey into Israel and views everything proclaimed as Jewish propaganda. She reflects on the hypocrisy of what much is said on these numerous tours of buildings and museums but also reflects on the early settlers journeys and why they felt they had been driven and needed a Jewish state of their own. This is a teenage book but with many graphic novels it is also easy to read and moves quickly for adults interested in learning something on a new topic. This book gave me a perspective of some of the uncertanies that jewsih kids go though with constructing a self-identity and how important these lands are for so many people and why this region always seems to be in the news.
The drawings are very good and it must of took some time to write and illustrate this from Ms Gliddon giving teens an idea of what these trips entitle and the thoughts some may have about what is being said in support of the state of Israel through these tours as these kids have questions of the validity and actions of this apartheid state. A great comic journal book for people of all ages interested in learning something about the Israel conflict and how people still live and tour this Jewish holy homeland long a source of conflict and death.
Graphic novel review time and a book written by Sarah Glidden exposes the tribulations and occurrences to the Jewish retreat tours many wealthy Jews send their teenagers to see their homelands in Israel. This is a pretty interesting look and debate of a girl who questions everything the state of Israel does in the occupied territories. Many Jewish teenagers apparently from all over the world go on these heritage roots examination and this book gives a detail of what it may be like.
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