NWA was a music group whose lyrics and songs advocated more racial strife and antagonism in the eighties and just when we thought we heard the last of this miserable musical performing group they have come back on the big screen. many of these rap groups have now come full circle after becoming Hollywood stars thanks to the divisive nature that help give rise to their popularity from a disgruntled nonconforming part of the underclass population which will always remain this as long as ideas and things like NWA rap music is what they wish to portrait. NWA music was just bad and part of a cultural group that lost all ability to perform actual music unlike their previous generations and what gave rise to stuff like rap and NWA clearly was the force of violence in their community and avocation for repeat of sixties style destruction to meet its goals. Instead of working to improve the lot of Compton residents these idiots such as Ice Cube, Dre, Ice tea, and Ice cream decided that possibility performing lame videos and expanding raps anti-political establishment lyrics to the community would clearly pave a yellow brick road to a bank and more massive record contracts. This has paved these dummies well and going off to see the baking class wizard has rewarded these clowns pretty well despite lack of bad vocal talent and shitty black clothed style.
Did we really need a NWA movie about a bad hip hop group in the eighties?
Nick Dumjilio
NWA was a music group whose lyrics and songs advocated more racial strife and antagonism in the eighties and just when we thought we heard the last of this miserable musical performing group they have come back on the big screen. many of these rap groups have now come full circle after becoming Hollywood stars thanks to the divisive nature that help give rise to their popularity from a disgruntled nonconforming part of the underclass population which will always remain this as long as ideas and things like NWA rap music is what they wish to portrait. NWA music was just bad and part of a cultural group that lost all ability to perform actual music unlike their previous generations and what gave rise to stuff like rap and NWA clearly was the force of violence in their community and avocation for repeat of sixties style destruction to meet its goals. Instead of working to improve the lot of Compton residents these idiots such as Ice Cube, Dre, Ice tea, and Ice cream decided that possibility performing lame videos and expanding raps anti-political establishment lyrics to the community would clearly pave a yellow brick road to a bank and more massive record contracts. This has paved these dummies well and going off to see the baking class wizard has rewarded these clowns pretty well despite lack of bad vocal talent and shitty black clothed style.
The banking music executive wizards worked hard and good to promote these jesters to the community and even expanded their base to the young White population needing new heroes as rock started to be seen as the rebellion choice of their fathers and grandfathers generation. The enforcers of culture wanted a rise in thuggish black urban culture possible to pave the way to new industries as the prison industrial and personal and commercial security system as there is always a major financial gain to be made from promoting fear and without a doubt rap groups like NWA helped pave way for increased inner-city violence. many would be NWA wanabees decided to drop the White mans educational opportunities and go for a gangster lifestyle that cut short many careers of rap artists as untalented as this group was but still with the potential to make money from drugged out musical fans of their black community who looked up to the bad musical tastes that rap had to offer. these guys were nothing of innovation just ripping off the style of the black panthers and their inspiring vocal promotion of confrontation with authority provided to be for others as these girls went to the bank from stirring people up and giving them a false dream of hope and fame. That there is now aboring movie to recall these guys and their rise of fame shows there is no focus anymore on how these old guys can become still relevant aside from silly middle age situational comedies or films an Ice Cube can still appear in from time to time.
NWA was a music group whose lyrics and songs advocated more racial strife and antagonism in the eighties and just when we thought we heard the last of this miserable musical performing group they have come back on the big screen. many of these rap groups have now come full circle after becoming Hollywood stars thanks to the divisive nature that help give rise to their popularity from a disgruntled nonconforming part of the underclass population which will always remain this as long as ideas and things like NWA rap music is what they wish to portrait. NWA music was just bad and part of a cultural group that lost all ability to perform actual music unlike their previous generations and what gave rise to stuff like rap and NWA clearly was the force of violence in their community and avocation for repeat of sixties style destruction to meet its goals. Instead of working to improve the lot of Compton residents these idiots such as Ice Cube, Dre, Ice tea, and Ice cream decided that possibility performing lame videos and expanding raps anti-political establishment lyrics to the community would clearly pave a yellow brick road to a bank and more massive record contracts. This has paved these dummies well and going off to see the baking class wizard has rewarded these clowns pretty well despite lack of bad vocal talent and shitty black clothed style.
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