Lester Bates
Kanye West is a loudmouth singer and at the usual cultural disgusting and degrading MTV music awards the jerk said that his is planning a run for the presidency in 2020. many speculated if he was smoking grass as usual or being serious but this guy actually has a scary shot when considering the unqualified background of Barack Hussein Obama and how rockstardom from the media elevated this Muslim into the White House. The people in this country are so dumb and illiterate just knowing these trashy music stars that many would vote for this creep shall he run although he would lose out on money and be so up in his ass with unfinished work there would clearly be a coup and perhaps the race war 2019 I have been predicting as a celebration of Chicago's 1919 centennial race war.

Kanye West looks like the typical rapiest nabbed in the back alley corners of your urban neighborhood and one shudders to think what a dopehead ike him would do if actually elected to the White House. the mere fact that he declared it fours years in advance clearly shows what a numbskull he is and just being famous and wealthy is a music business that seeks to promote a certain style is not a sign of intelligence. Kanye West is perfect for this stupid business plan that seeks to dumb down Americas lower classes by pushing the likes of Kenye and Miley Cyrus . Kenye West needs to go East and perhaps be a leader of Kenya. A hundred years ago a idiot like West would never be anything but a street sweeper or vegetable peddler and the fact that printed money reserved media outlets pays a guy like this so much shows how much tis country has fallen with the mass availability a few to control the money flow and decide who gets to be a celebrity talking point for the media to worship and jubilate for the brainless masses.
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