Leroy Yost
A new biography book is coming out about Nick Saban for the deadbeat brain losers who cherish this guy and the millions he rakes in from free labor of players. Author Monte Burke has written a book glorifying this man and pleads the case these college coaches deserve every fucking million cent they receive to hold a clipboard and yell at athletes. The jackass have been making the rounds promoting the book on TV,radio, and print and he was given an editorial content in the Wall Street Journal. I often wondered why these business publications give so much coverage of sports and after reading this piece it dawned on me what role sports plays for the free-market advocates. They love a system where one guy and his small oligarch of coaches gets rewarded financial handsomely while the majority toil in this case for absolute nada.

Nick Saban made eleven times the compensation than the president of Alabama and is the highest paid public servant in the country. Thus piece I the wall Street Journal said the majority of funds for his salary come from the non-profit Crimson Tide Foundation where rich people donate money to fund this inequality and travesty most likely from business profits from a similar system of financial rewarding. Nick Saban and college football is a microcosm of the corporate business world and the concentration of sports directed information is a deliberate plan of economic disparity by the business ruling classes.
Mr Burke overlooks and quickly passes over the fact that in these donations the state loses money that could go to building bridges and improving streets instead being diverted to football hall of fame shrines and stadium boxes that these corporate class can give as gifts to one another. Mr Burke gives credence to the fact that enrollment has increased to Alabama due to the footballs team success instead of the disparity of other schools getting shafted in state funding all money only being directed to the large state schools with the programs and ability to rise capital from football fanatics and leaders of Alabama's local economies.

Alabama is a poor state and the University of Alabama system and their football program serves as a pipeline to flush funds and money into a narrow pathway from the state in a one way direction where others cannot tap. The profit that the Alabama football program generates is only from the idea that players should never share in the income that produces this wealth and this is just modern day slave system hidden in the idea of amateurish collegiate student athletes providing free labor to compensate this shithead college coach clipboard holder. The only reason for the financial impact of these big time college programs and not the ability of their college coaches into improving the quality of campus life. Likewise the profit from Ohio States athletic department and increase in revenues again tied to the fact that rich people subsidize their cultural agendas supporting a program which the product produced relys on not compensating people who produce action on field for people to follow and speak about. The idea that a college coach would only be the one to reap the benefits of a huge Nike or Adidas million dollar shoe contract is fraudulent
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