Jake Glass
A Cheetah escaped in Indianapolis from the local zoo and caused headaches for a terrified local population and visitors at the zoo. The zoo staff quickly located the Cheetah outside the grounds and tranquilized the animal with a dart before the cheetah could grab a kid for a mid-day snack.

An investigation thus far as failed to yield a result as to how the hell the cheetah escaped what is suppose to be a very secure pen for wild big cats at the Indianapolis zoo and this cheetah had just been shipped from Stalag san Diego zoo. This was an embarrassment to the Indianapolis zoo and city after spending some two million dollars for a new Cheetah exhibit and bringing in celebrity captive cats from zoos and parks all over the world such as this unnamed Cheetah. I still want to know how a cheetah escapes from a prison and it may be discovered later the fast cat had some inside help with the staff hating the exploitation of these animals.

Actually the name of the cheetah I discovered was pounce and evidently this is what the cheetah was attempting to do to unwitting visitor to the zoo this day but luckily a calamity was averted and hopefully they will get things more under control at this zoo and know where their prisoners are at all times in order to entertain the public and have a safe environment at the zoo there in Indianapolis.
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