Rhonda Rousey is the next great white hope. It is sad to see in the world of fighting and UFC that Rhonda Rousey, a woman, is calling out Floyd Mayweather and challenging him to a fight in this needs of encouraging and profiting from women to be she-males. Ronda Rousey and her backers actually think this woman an take a man and not just any man it a professional undefeated boxer. I suppose she thinks she can take Manny Paquiano too and I like fucking with this flip I know by hyping her and saying how she could cream Manny Pacaquina or whatever the fuck his name is. His name will soon be irrelevant but the name of Rhonda Rousey surely will get increased hyped up by UFC money and talk that she could take on Floyd Mayweather .
This cocky crotch actually has challenged Floyd to a match as evidently she had been dropped hard on her head in ne of her matches against. Woman. it also could be perhaps persuaded by this unrelenting love from her enthusiast fans has gone to et head giving her. Feeling of invincibility. For many white men a great white hope in the fighting world now has a feminine look and a snatch down there and that should be humiliation for all able-bodied American white man that it has become this you for you guys in boxing and UFC to have a woman challenge a black champion. Rhonda Rousey is a tough mean-looking bitch and can take on most women maybe even beating the crap out of Serena Williams given the chance but aside from Mammy Paqioano, I don't see her beating any other trained boxer in the circuit. She may have some good judo moves but the strength and punching power of a male boxer would flatten this woman on the mat and remind her who she really is and why she is only famous for beating other women. Rosuey's only role in society is to push and continue to sell sex and violence and any promotion of her and the UFC is just that.
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