Has Bill Scher gotten lazy?

Herbert Gilbert
  Bill Scher was a liberal blogger and inspirer of this blog who hosted something called liberaloasis.com. The guy just one day out of the blue decided he would no longer add content or continue his podcast on this site. The hipster Bill Scher most likely just got bored or lazy with continuing his liberal campaign fighting for cultural change and justice. He still does this blogginghead debate with the lame conservative Matt Lewis and perhaps the time devoted to smoking his co-host clown as made Scher less abe to dwell into his other start up and media projects. He wrote one book called "Wait! Don't Move To Canada following Geroge W Bush's reelection in 2004 that received some academic acclaim with his political explanation in cultural affairs and how the Republicans took over and retained the White House despite mounting anti-war judgment from liberals and regular citizens tired of this wasteful government spending to increase profits for oil barons. This book was impressive especially for the beginning follower of politics and Scher needs to follow up with more political humor and insightful bashing of Republican theory and actions in a published form.
 Scher has not come out with books since this impressive beginning and one has to wonder if this guy has just got lazy and doesn't want to put out that liberal voice more often on various talkinghead programs or books that could be found in the one dollar bin in a local Wal-Mart. Unless he gets more proactive on getting his voice and message a Bill Scher will be a nobody and just get stuck only talking to crazy right-wing conservatives all of the time such as the geek Matt Lewis.

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