Arnold Buckley
Mike Tyson's cartoons from Adult Swim might be the best cartoons since Scooby Doo and I decided to give it its due today. This cartoon is way better than the stupid family Guy or Simpson's cartoon that seems to be an amaranthine for network media television and will never go away. Whereas I find these two comics totally obnoxious and unentertaining I find Mike Tyson's mysteries humorous and clever. Mike Tyson talking to a pigeon is hilarious although I personally wouldn't of made it part of the storyline that the pigeon use to be a person. Fuck it.

Just let the pigeon be a talking fucking pigeon with all the dreams and aspirations a captive pigeon owned by a crazy ex-con former boxer should have. Mime Tyson's episode where he had these fucking mites and had to get rid of this bird had me reeling over and I have found it enjoyable many other episodes of this unique cartoon. of course, it helps it that I have always been a Mike Tyson fan and a fan of his bizarre ritualistic behaviors inside and outside in the ring. So I am a bit bias in this regard. Unlike the family guy and Bart Simpson this cartoon is based on a real person whose whole life has been cartoonish and really this guy is a B celebrity that should be promoted more on network TV along with other former athletes. I would love to see him tam with Bo Jackson and do some safari or hunting program perhaps hunting exotic bats and raccoons in Costa Rica or someplace.
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