Dinesh D'Souza majorly disappointed in Bobby Jindhal's failures

Ramon Ramos
   Dinesh D'Souza is pretty down these days sitting in his cell after going to the can for some campaign finance scandal. Dinesh is upset he couldn't help his fellow conservative evangelical right-wing nut job Bobby Jindhal in his campaign for president and just witnessed him this week drop out of the race for the White House in 2016. Dinesh has always been obsessed how a Black Kenyan socialist Democrat named Barack Obama was able to glide into the presidency and easily be adored by millions of Americans. Dinesh often wonders when the day will come for an Indian-American one especially sharing his Christian conservatives principles and basically just a wanabee soul of fundamentalism Christian perspective.
Well, it will not be Bobby Jindhal as he was overwhelming rejected by this country as he had the charisma of a monk. Dinesh wished he could of done more for Bobby Jindhal and being in prison prevented Dinesh going to all these talk shows and basically campaigning for Bobby Jindhal as these days Dinesh has lost much of his relevancy in the right-wing media. without a controversial book bashing Obama D'Souza finds himself on the outside of politics not being invited even to the most right-wing web TV shows he has long been accustomed a monthly spot.
   As far Bobby Jindhal this humiliation will not be easy for him to take. He really thought his candidacy would take off and that he would be considered by some of these front runners for a vice-president slot. Jindhal is one of the worse Governors in this country and his candidacy pretty much is given credence because he did get himself elected into the statehouse even if it is one such as Louisiana. This state ranks dead last in most categories and this is because of the unpreparedness and irrelevancy the people put into politics in their state especially compared to more progressive areas of the country. This state will always be a backwater in America owned easily by big pocket dirty energy companies whose mere presence guarantees there will ever be other investment in the state. these people do not come out to vote in non-presidential elections and the result is crummy politicians such as Bobby Jindhal more intent on serving wealthy classes than most of the citizens of Louisiana. Jindhal will head back to this state and continue his process of further driving the state into the ground for the people and will likely not run for anything major. The corruption and bullshit this governor of Louisiana has accomplished is more befitting of a presidential run of a third-world country which should have a guy in office such as Bobby Jindhal..maybe a place like India.

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