Kyle Kulinski upset at Burt Prelutsky's insensitive Mecca destruction sugesstion

Andy Cruz
   Kyle Kulinski is incensed about a WND.COM columnist by the name of Burt Prelutsky who suggested that we bomb the fuck out of Mecca and erase it from the face of the earth. Kuklinski said that this comment is asinine and plays into the terrorism of Muslims who feel their culture and religion is under attack. Just  the mere suggestion is more serious than the actual thousands of real examples of Islamic terrorism to the likes of this YouTube Secular Talk host Kulinski, whose programs these days consist of him defending Muslim from perceived Christian Islamphobes. Kyle Kuklinski acts as if it were Muslims that are actually facing the brut of international terrorism from non-Muslims. Thus prick comes out with his sports jackets and in front of a bunch of books and acts like he knows everything and is the smartest person on the net. A Kulinski refuses to see that we are in a war with Islam in this clash of civilization and clearly if a jerk like Kyle was around during World War II he would of been dead set against any bombing of the Japanese islands let alone the Atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. this WND writer also a Pole named sky likely wrote this out of frustration with no ability to stop these suicide bombs and when so much of a religion of ethnic group wants to commit suicide and take others with them then suggesting that we bomb the fuck out of their holiest city to ensure their destruction only seems appropriate. Kulinski just wants free speech for kiss asses as himself helping the enemy instead of others who want to expose the evil that is Islam and Kyle hates that Burt Prelutsky has an internet outlet to express this view. The Kyle Kulinski's somehow want to see mutual destruction as according to liberals if any one side feels in this manner it must be the lifestyle or other Non-Muslim believers that is driving these poor bastards to want to blow up things. I just wish they would start on the likes of a Kyle Kulinski's cheap studio instead of a rock venue in Paris with hundreds of people enjoying life. This is the tradition of Muslims though and why we must always fight against them as they don't want to see any other humans enjoying life but to just to submit to the Koran and Muhammed. This is why mecca and medina should be bombed off the face of this fucking Earth. mecca is nothing but a city of evil and has exported evil to others through the millenniums and needs to go and be a free city to be rebuilt free off the reputation and damage it has long caused in suffering for so many. Image result for bombing mecca article burt prelutsky article

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