Paleontoligist professor little Jack Horner wants to breed littleDonosaur pets out of chicken DNA

 Paleontologist Jack Horner has a long history of digging stuff up to get media coverage for the fact that he is a dinosaur hunter. His second biggest dream outside of being a paleontologist is to somehow create a pet dinosaur and make billions from the billions that well-off Americans spend for their pets and animals. If old Horner can come up with a pet dinosaur or even breed a friendly Komodo Dragon his life would be complete. This complicated plan is to manipulate the DNA of a chicken so that it will express some of its latent dinosaur-like traits. No doubt that Jack Horner has been influenced by some of the science of the Jurassic Park movies and really thinks in his lifetime little pet Fidosaurasus can exist to rip your fucking hand apart. He is smart enough and realizes in his study of dinosaurs that in order to complete this mission he needs to start with birds.  Since birds are the evolutionary descendants of dinosaurs, Horner believes they have dormant DNA that, if activated, could potentially cause them to develop some of the traits dinosaurs had, such as teeth, three-fingered hands and tails. And voila: a chicken-o-saurus. the idea of a pet Chick hawk dinosaur thing gets Horners a lot of laughs with his colleagues as they see him in print news and the web about his expressed goal in life. horner often makes the comparison that humans have been manipulating the genes of living animals since we started walking erect out of the trees and talks about how a wolf wan transitioned to look like a Chihuahua so rich bitches can throw them in their purses as they shoplift from luxury urban stores.The idea of making a chicken dinosaur is laughable and perhaps <r Horner is thinking of the profit and income ability as the country would quickly move away from the dog and cat and move to little dinosaurs and perhaps mini-gastronis. heck forget about pets how about bringing back these terror birds and raising them off livestock feed or perhaps eating out garbage or grass so we can have more fresh meat for a growing population. the possibilities are endless and many more important causes to manipulate new animals out of old genes than a freaking bird-dinosaur lap-pet.

Polly Cracker

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