Tony Miselli
Scott walker abruptly left the presidential race not convinced that his plan for reducing workers right would of worked and made America stronger and better for the rich. His wealthy donors had him convinced he would be the forty fifth president of the United States. Instead the rest of the country got to see what Wisconsin already new is that this guy was one of the most lackluster politicians out there and now amount of Koch brothers money was going to duplicate his success in bamboozling the country like he did with the voters in Wisconsin. What's next for the future of Scott Walker and why did his plan of destroying workers right not work? Governor Walker looks forward to continuing to work hard for the people of Wisconsin for the remainder of his term," said press secretary Laurel Patrick, in an email." Today, Governor Walker will be attending internal meetings at the Capitol and receiving briefings from executive staff." Scott Walker faces the lowest poll ratings for his approval ever in the state and he has three years of job security and controlling this state.

People are waking up to fact even in his home base that this guy is a shill for big money donors who want to slowly reshape the country one state at a time. They wait to get control of state legislators usually in off-presidential year elections where enthusiasm for voting is even more lower than usual. hey then poor in tons of money and set the narrative with their narrow victories and then rule at will with brutal consequences for those at the most mercy. Scott Walker proves my point as I have always said guys named Scott are sociopaths I have never met a cool Scott. Never. Scott Walker polled horribly in this presidential primary and many people around the country ask what is the matter with Wisconsin and why would they elect this guy three times. The amount of corruption as the state level one must wonder if this idiot even did get all the votes they claim. The real end to the walker campaign came on august 3 when 23 year old Tyler McFarland came to him in a New Hampshire stop and personally helped quicken he demise of the doleful Scott walker 2016 presidential bid. Tyler flipped a sign and made it look like he was presenting a check from the Koch brothers for 900 million and this statement prank really does sum up the game of primary presidential politics and the result of the stupid right-wing Supreme Court's Citizens' United decision. The irremediable problem with politics and money was best presented in this incident and it did receive enough publicity for the public to gain an even more disconcerting idea what kind of president this Walker would present for this nation and his poll numbers further eroded where Walker had to get out before it would effect his Governorship reign in Wisconsin. Scott walker is the ultimate political scum bag and will be a favorite to knock down and follow for a few more years here at the Left Shark

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