Adam Corolla snob doesn't want to see people in coach use his first class bathrooms

Gerald Jasper
   Adam Corolla is exactly what is wrong with America. This is a guy who thinks access to printed money and reserves ought to get you better doctors and health care than others who are not as wealthy and this is just one example among many what a jackass extremist the most popular podcaster as a slimy human being. Adam Corolla. the jerk often rants about airlines as he travels much throughout the country spreading his views and advocating looking down on others without matching incomes that he has generated by media and entertainment outlets wanting his views spread to predominate in much of the public. Adam Corolla wants to see people in coach stay in coach and that because he has the availability to put extra cash for first class that he reserves the right not to see those who he feels are beneath him using his resources. Apparently the wealthy class and idiots such a Adam Corolla had been attempting to restrict bathroom use or get airlines to charge more for bathrooms to please idiots with the extra cash to dash as a fucking Adam Corolla but a little-known congressmen proudly from Illinois ended those ideas with a congressional bill. Dan Lipinski of Illinois ended any debate whether Airlines can keep adding fees to support rich pricks such as an Adam Corolla and pretty much limited airlines for now for charging massive extra fees for toilet and shit use while in the sky. The arrogance of an Adam corolla is unbelievable and is just more indication of what a piece of shit he is and those who hold his views of superiority of people with more money. I hope the growing political career of a Dan Lipinski irate conservative blowhards like Adam Corolla who undoubtedly are fuming that airlines will not be able to charge more for bathroom use and that guys like Adam who pay for first class can't expect others to have to shit in their pants because shitheads like Adam Corolla don't want to see people in coach \use his exclusive side of the airplane.

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