Liberal media hosts Lip.Tv Elliot Hill and Mark Soval and Young Turks live far from Muslim mosques

Andy Cruz
   The Lip TV hosts Elliot Hill and Mark Sovel   had a show recently and were outraged by a Virginia man using is free speech and calling Muslims terrorists. the man came out to stand up against another plan to expand a Muslim mosque in his town and the man was outraged that the Muslim menace is spreading into his hometown and poses the same threat France sees itself nowadays with all their Muslims. Obviously Elliot and do not live anywhere the possibility of a Mosque being opened and disrupting their elitist urban community. The man that spoke up at the Spotslyvania County meeting and opposing the building of a new mosque has been vilified by these liberal elites in luxury neighborhoods where mosques would be priced out of building near their high-rises.  Lip.Tv thinks the American people should not have a voice like this guy and tell Muslims to their face that this is America and not Egypt and that their domination would never be accepted and be stood up against. without a doubt this is what is so upsetting to these liberal alternative media outlets seeing directed against their beloved Muslim financial backers.
  Likewise with the Young Turks bastards Cenk Uygar and John Idarola also chimed in with their opinions on this town hall meeting where they live far away and not near this community that Muslims are invading with their houses of worship and terrorist wahibbiism promotion. They said that consider if Muslims in America had come to a town hall meeting and done the same thing as this brave man in Virginia committed at this town hall meeting. What is especially pleasing about this confrontation is that the liberal media doesn't have this guys name for them to dig up dirt or just announce for Muslims worldwide to write down his name. What and the Young Turks won't say is that Muslims do indeed bully and push around Christians and other minority groups who do not worship nor read the Koran in the idle East. The way Muslims treat others in all these other countries is exactly what the guy in Virginia was fucking talking about. Cenk Uygar undoubtedly prays to Allah that Muslim Syrian refugees will overwhelm Spotsvania county

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