Thomas Hartmann and the liberal lie of Donald Trump helping ISIS recruitment

Wally Jackson
   Every liberal in the past two weeks has reiterated the lie that Donald Trump's attempts to halt Muslim immigration is going to aid the Islamic State and their recruitment offer. dingbats from Sam Sedar to Alan Colmes, to Ed Shultz among others repeat this statement and this now has come from the old lips of Hillary Clinton. The notion of turban terrorists sitting around the campfire and thinking  that Donald Trump's actions will aid them is hilarious and what these fuck head liberals don't realize that the Islamic State is going to recruit future killers and fighters regardless what Donald Trump says or does. Hartmann though is the most egregious often repeating this stupid line out of his stupid mouth up to four or five times a day.
  Thomas Hartmann really visions a bunch of pissed off Middle Eastern men saying fuck it and just leaving everything dropping out of school or work to join the Islamic State and live like rats in the desert just to get even with Donald Trump. Either he really visions this or is as stupid as he looks and sounds perhaps just being swayed by working for foreign entities such as Russia or the Canadian ultra-liberal orthodox wings still fighting the war of 1812. ISIS would be recruiting and bombing and killing and having so much fun regardless of Donald Trump's statement and ideas of finally ending the insanity of allowing these people and inbreed bastards coming into this country. There has always been radical Islamic people who use religion to justify their hatred of others and force them to believe what they believe and will do anything to make a statement. Donald Trump scares the shit out of liberals and the brown out of their underwear because he doesn't pray to a higher power be that money from our enemies of appeasing the Islamo-facist lovers out there wishing to see the migration of this evil to all lands.

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