Who is a bigger pinhead Jeff Berwick or Ben Swann

Jordon Morgan
   The question of the day is who is more of a pinhead Jeff Berwick or Ben Swann. This is something that is really hard to argue and lets go and check the facts. Jeff Berwick is some alternative currency  libertarian who would love to see people once again held as property for others. Jeff Berwick perpetuates lies through his broadcasts into hating government because it is the one institution that restricts their total access to power and able to do as they please to create profits for their class and poverty for anyone outside it and Berwick is pretty outrageously open and outright on his evil. One can only hopes he gets lung cancer that no amount of hidden un-taxed money can pay a top doctor to save this weasels ass and the more he chain smokes the more happy his enemies get pleased this this pinhead slowly smoke his insides out.
   Ben Swann is another urban man of madness who is spreading crazy in his own way. The man is a journalist but wants to report the news the way he says and basically questions anything the US government say or does because he wants to be an instigator more than an investigator  ben Swann also has these stupid youtube shows that serve as entertainment for the masses that see right through his shit like Berwick and the real goal of his news independent channel. if you believe that Ben Swann is an independent journalist without an agenda that he claims than you will believe turtles are more agile and mobile than Sea Gulls. ben Swann reports his news with an eye that is more slanted that Mao Zedung or Emperor Hirohito could ever manage. thus guy thinks that he can put on a expensive suit and parade around in front of a huge screen on camera and that people will buy into whatever he says. Swann wants in his mind to convert minds onto questioning our country's intentions when others attack us or politically influence in attempts to dishearten Americans. With paid hacks like ben Swann they are having some influence.  Ben Swann is a huge pinhead but is he really larger than a Jeff Berwick? No because Berwick wants to see people poor and government weal and that is why he is in Mexico and says he wants to help people to be entrepreneurs instead of relying on the one institution that protects them from further abuses and near-slave conditions that a Jeff Berwick would like to see wealthy people have the right to maximize.  nobody is a bigger pinhead than Libertarian elitist and globalist Jeff Berwick

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