Greek Prime minister Aes Tsipras is set for another round of negotiations with creditors demanding more give ways of the Greek republic and these meetings in Davos, Switzerland will likely demand ore out of the Greek people. Germans and central Europeans want to maintain their standing in a increasing competitive global world by increasing poverty and gaining access to assets in Southern Europe. the IMF continues to scrutinize all aspects of Greece's budget and joining the EU is clear indication the Greek people have absolutely no sovereignty of their own nation.
Alex Tsipras negotiates with tyrants and needs to form a Syrian-Syriza allaince of refugee migration game
Tony Miselli
Greek Prime minister Aes Tsipras is set for another round of negotiations with creditors demanding more give ways of the Greek republic and these meetings in Davos, Switzerland will likely demand ore out of the Greek people. Germans and central Europeans want to maintain their standing in a increasing competitive global world by increasing poverty and gaining access to assets in Southern Europe. the IMF continues to scrutinize all aspects of Greece's budget and joining the EU is clear indication the Greek people have absolutely no sovereignty of their own nation.
Alex Tsipras's once tough talk and threats against a Geexit have softened but it is the only solution to break from the tentacles of the European Union that only promises more suffering and cutting of peoples pensions. How the hell the Greeks are not in the streets demanding an end of any dealings and talks with European central banks and just declaring a bankruptcy I will never know. Alex Tspiras has to come clean to Europe with these latest rounds of negotiations and declare they have already done enough austerity and any forecast from the IMF will always be slanted as pessimistic and demand more needs to be done. many members of the Syriza party consider Tsipras a sellout and they need to form their own rebellion against his rule and put somebody there who will be more in tune and true to the left-wing principles that got the party elected and in power to begin with.
Any country that gives up control of its currency will always be reliant on the central banks made up of outsiders and foreign control and this has been the main objective of the EU currency to begin with when it was implemented as a takeover currency of so many European nations. Tsipras needs to tell these old Central European banksters and hoarders of twealth through the shadow markets that enough is enough. This needs to be repeated especially that old son of a bitch Wolfgang Schaeble who basically wants to make life as difficult for modern day Greeks and Mussolini and Hitler wanted to starve the Greeks and others they considered sub-humans during World War II. What the Greeks should do as I discussed with Alex Mousolopolous, is if they are forced out of the Euro and not helped to play the Syrian card to full extent and encourage as many as they can in Syria to make the journey through Greece and into the heartland of the Rhine evil empire modern fourth Reich. see how Wolfgang would like this. This Syrian-syriza alliance can better attain mutual beneficial arrangement of more similar people against the contempt racist modern day Hasburgs.
Greek Prime minister Aes Tsipras is set for another round of negotiations with creditors demanding more give ways of the Greek republic and these meetings in Davos, Switzerland will likely demand ore out of the Greek people. Germans and central Europeans want to maintain their standing in a increasing competitive global world by increasing poverty and gaining access to assets in Southern Europe. the IMF continues to scrutinize all aspects of Greece's budget and joining the EU is clear indication the Greek people have absolutely no sovereignty of their own nation.
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