Chris and Tim Vanderhook enjoying the investor money and pretending to try things to improve Myspace

Ned Baily
   Tim Vanderhook and his brother Chris spent other peoples money in June of 2011 and quired and were the object pity and ridicule. The Vanerhook's said that they were going to turn this company around after years of struggle and having Facebook obliterate the site in social media competition. The Vanderhooks most likely acquired Myspace for the pussy and for them to tell people they owned this site that is still ingrained in some peoples minds as being worth something and being important and relevant. Of all business people these two know that comebacks in social media and the internet are impossible and in fact all of these internet companies really have no value and Myspace was never has valuable Ruppert Murdoch purchased this worthless site for half a billion dollars. These tech companies are basically Ponzi schemes getting value from sales until the gig is up and people realize really how worthless these sites are and the value claimed for their ownership. The Vanderhooks just purchased this to look impressive to girls and at parties as they use MySpace for corporate events and pretend they are using investing money to rejuvenate this company. Somehow thee clowns think that having their brand relates and co-owned by Justin Timberlake would somehow make people flock back to this site that failed miserable as they tried to force advertising on its sites and annoyed members towards Facebook and away from this once popular site. The Vanderhook's e are fools for buying Myspace and just use this company to try to keep getting loans and have parties continue to live off the loans to fund this venture and keep it surviving. How much longer will MySpace continue to bleed money thinking its heydays will come back is yet to be determined but in the meantime the Vanderhook's will wait and enjoy the ride that ownership of this stupid company still brings from stupid investors.

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