Dennis Leary and lame books proves he is no good

Gerald Jasper
   Dennis Leary is a bad comedian and even worse author never having anything good to say about people and things. In his book called" Why We Suck" Dennis tackles his favorite subject of just hating on those who he proclaims are ignorant and dumb and basically Dennis Leary tears apart what he hates in this culture and how people talk and act among one an0other. A guy like Dennis Leary pretty much feeds into the stereotype that all men are assholes and in this book and character in life it is Leary who calls other the A word ignoring his act and reaction to others that should put him on top of the list. Dennis Leary is no social critic but just a loud-mouth prick given air-time and revue through the media and that accounts for any of his success as a comedian. There is nothing of any value in this book or in Dennis Leary as a comedian and yet somehow his mug and stupid voice appears through outlets of television and screen. Leary often complains of Americans and people being drugged out on Xanax and prescription drugs but on reading this guys material and act one can clearly think that a schmuck like Dennis Leary uses his entertainment earned dollars to be in a flux of 24 hour drug high himself. This is a fuck who brags about having lived in the seventies and eighties always on drug and then he makes comments on the poor under-class Caucasians (he never attacks black ghetto freaks) who use cough syrup and pain pills to get them through their unexciting existence.Image result for denis leary Denise attacks autism as inattentive parents wanting to blame others why their kids are dumb as an explanation why their kids can't compete academically and this jackass thinks Xbox and video games make kids crazy ignoring the chemical-laced item on every fucking consumer shopping shelf as a possible explanation because well he is paid by advertisers who support the entertainment industry. This wig-wearing earwig mother fucker will never blame corporations who spend for jerks like him to make a great living through the wonderful world of advertising expenditure. Why we suck can be explained to the system that gives an asshole like Dennis Leary print paper to explain his twisted view of the world. This guy sucks as bad as this book where he says other people suck ass. Dennis Leary you ain't no good you assholeImage result for denis leary book

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