John McCain angry at Iran's ability to patrol its borders and seas so sucessfully

Ali Muhammad
   John McCain called our treatment by Iran a disgrace and travesty saber-rattling and wishing he was in power to cause a war like George W Bush. This old man and his ilk need to disappear from the political scene and his continued rule and legacy is a major problem hat American can't afford any longer. John McCain ignores the real travesty and insult is American sailors and their presence in this region far away from their borders using shipping and sea access as excuses to bully other nations. This is a bad man who reminds me much of the manifest destination Americans of the 1830 time period who feel this country is entitled to lead the world. Back then it was just the North American continent but old geezards in the following century pushed for American hegemony and power through trade on natives of many diverse lands. It seems McCain is upset because American sailors were captured and some pictures were taken by elated Iranian members of the Iranian guard happy that their mundane patrols actually accomplished something in capturing American spies.  John McCain is the biggest scum in American politics in the past thirty years and seems like he has been involved in the scene for sixty years.This is so sad and too bad for John McCain and maybe their captured reminded him of his capture and how Donald Trump would use it to question his competency in being captured back while he was bombing innocent  Vietnamese civilians and got his ass shot down.The arrogance of the likes of John McCain who continue to fail to see that if Iranian shippers were off the gulf of Mexico they would have major problems with this fact and Iran is a action that the US enjoys harassing through the years. McCain is a sick twisted old man who uses his years of abuse as an American POW from people fighting for the liberation of their homelands to continue to press the idea of American master of the globe. The continued existence of this man in American politics should be enough for every democratic-leaning individual to pike that we allow this sissy to stay in power and have a voice in international affairs.

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