Leonardo McGregor
In Chicago two black teens were ruthlessly gunned down in a liquor store on the south side. teenagers Keshawn Marzette and William Larson were innocently in a liquor store trying to just hold it up and make some jingle. The would-be robbers held a gun to the store clerk but c'mon they really had no intention of harming the clerk. How many Middle Eastern clerks are really murdered in the hood every year ..maybe one or two? Upstairs the son of the clerk herd a commotion and ran downstairs to aid his father supposedly but I think he just shot these two teenagers in cold blood because they were black. Where are all these black lives matter more protestors and why are they not constantly picketing around this liquor store on 87 th street

The two were shot to death by a store employee about 8:30 p.m. when they tried to rob Z&S Food & Liquor, 1351 W. 87th St., sources said. I imagine liberals would want to make a big deal on this but then maybe concluded these two punks were up to no good and were shot to death by the clerk's son. Mayor Emmanuel had little to say about this murder and slaughter of poor black males just trying to make some money honestly on the street by stealing from these liquor stores getting their community all drunked up and dumb. Keshawn Marzette really hasd full promise and a bright future that was snuffed under him and unquestionably the kid could of gone places in life and may of been a doctor,lawyer, or drug kingpin in Chicago. These murders are ashame and the justice not delivered to these families of these two bright young lives and potential as constant members of our criminal justice system will never be realized.
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