Eric Ericson
Chris Delamo is a sorry excuse for a young man these days with his red pill philosophy. A new study by the Archives of Sexual behavior linked men with facial hair as being more sexiest and hold views more likely demeaning of women and perhaps they just saw some of this jackasses videos or appearances on other programs. This shaggy scrabbly jackass fills the description of this study on the sexiest nature of dudes proud of their but facial pubic-looking things under their chins.

Chris Deloma is a guy who pushes this red pill philosophy and pretty much disdains everything about women and I too have noticed it is the whacks with beards that often say the most sexiest things about women. This guy makes every issue about gender and that men are second class citizens because the guy just can't hit on and complement every woman he comes across wishing he can ravage. Chris commented on the girl walking in New York video saying it is nothing wrong with pestering attractive woman walking alone in a big city. As if a woman just wants to be greeted by a hundred horndogs a day in a city that she doesn't want to know or hear from. I wonder if three hundred men a day greeting Chrissy walking down the street if he wouldn't' have a problem with this. This is a guy who made a video about homeless people in downown Miami and how nasty the people looked.

The red pill movement is just this weird wired internet community of male jackasses whose ranting just make all men look bad and misogynist and they are definitely a problem. The sad thing is you have these respectable authors and scientists talking to this dweeb like he really is on to something because they have issues with women and always have bad personal relationships or many a rejection at the clubs through the years. Chris Deloma and many of his fans think it is all right to pummel a emotionally charged or wrecked woman for striking a man first as these dummies are under some indication that it would be a fair fight and women are equally as strong physically as a man

. Apparently this is not enough and perhaps the problem with guys like Chris Deloma is that women are independent these days no longer considered property of men. Without a doubt this is the real issue a Chris Deloma has with women in the modern society unless he is just some true deviant that thinks men should be allowed to punch women.
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