Leroy Yost
Cam Newton was a beaten man. he man had gotten trashed by the Denver Bronco defense denying him what pundits would say would of been an MVP victory to cap off the perfect season. Cam newton had seen those dreams dashed and now he had to answer questions from a bunch f non-athletes asking him dumb question about his defeat. The NFL makes sure these brats have to face the press after the Super Bowl as billionaires humiliate these black millionaires in some sort of Jim Croww humiliation. you wouldn't see these owners come up and say why their properties would lose such a great game.

This is not how "Camera" Cam newton wanted to appear in front of the cameras. Newton had been smiling and hotdogging it all year as his team crushed teams and he showboated his way to a MVP season. He had made a silly habit of giving the ball to a kid to try to downplay the fact that he was not some vociferous jackass NFL over-paid athlete and really wanted the fans to worship him. Now he had to appear in front of the press and answer how his team blew a game against an old quarterback with a rubber band arm. cam newton was at a loss for words how he could lose a game with a hundred million people watching and he had such few opportunities to show his big smile and his Superman posturing for all the world to see.

You see this son of a bitch had ridiculed football and turned most of the fan base against his ass for being so completely arrogant and an overweening weenie all season. newton is a big black baby and hopefully will never find himself on this stage again and I do not mean having to answer a Super Bowl loss, him losing was great, but to actually be on the Super Bowl stage and considered so great by many and having them defend his shameful imperious attitude in the NFL field and arenas.
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