Larry Frost
Well we got a memo we need more female oriented stories on this blog as here it goes. A pact of us made a vow we will only discuss women worth discussing and that is those writers and Youtube stars that deal with the natural medicine and fitness aspects of the blogosphere so expect to see many more female fitness gurus mentioned here. now about Casey Ho all I can say is that she is no ho. Casey ho has empowered women with her Youtube channels discussing a variety of ways women can shed punds and live a healthier lifestyle as opposed to the couch potatoes boring lives they do now only getting physical exercise walking a fucking dog in suburbia.

The creator of Blogigates responded to criticism through social media by those wishing to discredit her work and last her body and shame through ignorant comment threads. Ho says she doesn't take negative comments to heart, and doesn't think anyone else should either ash she likely been called a ho throughout her internet stardom as some sort of take insult on her name. Casey tells people to block those that would try to make you less strong and fat shame her through the years with stupid comments trying to get her attention with insulting and degrading type remarks on-line because they can not get laid with women that look as hers. from what I have seen on Google and Yahoo Casey Ho is hot and is another Pilates women trying to get the message to the 7 11 food-addicted bingers out there that eating and living healthy is important to your well-being. She should of just related these ignorant commentators and told them to kiss her ass. Casey is a talented woman that gets her anti-binge eating message across and gives a good history and informative youtube site about the importance of physical fitness for women today in a age where the food corporate global companies want to fatten humans up like cattle.
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