Charles Barkley proud of having thirty million to donate to casino moguls through losses

Dave Berkson
  Charles Barkley is a piece of shit. The out-spoken former player and ESPN annalist often dabbles in the political arena and should really only stick to what he knows in the sports arena. Charles Barkley was filmed on the Seth David show bragging about how much money he has won and lost through the years and he now has his gambling addiction squared away. Charles Barkley estimated he lost thirty million dollars through the years and people who are surprised how open the chucklehead is about these gambling loses should really realize Charles Barkley's proud proclamation for what they are all about. Barkely wants people to know how much he was worth and still may be worth for years of playing hall of fame basketball for many years. Charles Barkley still has a steady income though it is apparent one of the reasons he had to get his gambling addition settles was there is not the same revenue stream coming in as it was once. The real issue about Charles Barkley's gambling loses and growing pains is why the hell on earth is a shithead like Charles  had all this money available and income generated through the years for playing ball. Charles Barkley should not had three million to lose yet alone thirty million and only an egregious evil economy run by psychopaths would make this path to the casino sImage result for charles barkley seth davis showo easily available for basketball jagoffs like him and Michael Jordon to piss away thee extreme inflated earnings. without basketball and the corporate shenanigans that works out diverting money into big time sports Charles Barkley would be a little man, most likely in a prison for drugs or sex crimes, and this is something I am sure he is well aware and basically rich people like him not knowing how to handle money makes other men obscenely wealthy and could be a reason why these dumb jocks are rewarded with such high generating incomes.

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