Henry Giroux goes on offensve on American Oregon occupation calling them terrorists (Henry Giroux bashing part one)

Leonardo McGregor

   Henry Giroux is an author and leftist statesmen of the most bizarre extreme. he has a new book coming out discussing America's addiction to terrorism which on the face of it is absurd. Terrorism is a religious fanatic strapping himself up in explosives and finding the most crowded market he can find to detonate it. In Henry Giroux's mind responding to terrorism or groups that promote and train international terrorism and seek to expand are the terrorists. Henry Giroux has been active this year in reparation for this book and he was recently on the podcast round talking about the Oregon standoff and anti-government folks occupying a abandon government owned shack. he condemned this protest and compared them to terrorists who have actually taken over territories in Syria and Iraq and enslaved sex-slaves and beheaded thousands. It is interesting in studying the writings of Anti-American intellects such as this jackass how few sentences they write condemning the brutality of ISIS  and how basically these Islamic radicalized demons just go on the war path as a killing machine to all those who don't lend it full support or stand up against their interpretation of a religion to use it to abuse their on kinfolk. This fucking geek can only mention a few militia acts of terrorism that can be related to the thousands of explosive mass killings that occur on an annual basis in the name of Islamic supremacy from Bangladeshi to Mali.  Giroux often repeats the talking point on how fear and lawlessness have become organizing principles of life in the United States, and violence an acceptable form of social mediation. Most of these anti-government protests saw violence when the federal government came in like British redcoats and started shooting what was otherwise a open and free protest that these guys have every right to organize and demonstrate. You see it is shitheads like Henry Giroux who are under the narrative and liberal concept that only the poor should protest their conditions and abuse and not landowners fighting to defend their lands they held for generations. henry Giroux is one of the most dangerous men in America as he is willing to attack America's founding principles and ignore the threats and potential dangers of a new terroristic Barbary State Union

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