John Kimelman blames Bernie Sander's and Donald Trump for decining value of his stocks

Bud Cooper
   John Kimelman wants to blame Donald Trump's and Bernie Sander's political rise for the tanking of the stock market. the writer wrote a front feature article of this pro-business domination newspaper where he makes a case that because Bernie Sanders and trump are not established candidates of the establishment the markets are spooked and because Barron's believes that punishing China and others who take advantage of free-trade to screw over America. This jackass  somehow agrees with  the markets are acting accordingly and further punishing the American worker than free-trade already has hammered. Like wise Kimeman believes that Bernie Sanders with his long list of ambitious but expensive goals, such as single-payer national health care, free tuition at public colleges, and a major federal bridge- and highway-construction effort, would somehow cause the stock market to free-fall despite all the evidence to China's own overreaching debt or that banks now want to charge customers to have an account with monthly fees because they are tapped out on revenue having to spend on advertising. Kimelman is an idiot who doesn't want to look at the fact that the global economy promotes a race to the bottom for everyone outside the inner circle rulers and that the American people are awakening that their standard of living is dropping because of these globalist policy makers only concerned with maximizing profits regardless that they want to turn industrial nations into the living standard of rural Pakistan. A prick like Kimelman and his brother don't want people to have a democratic process to control the affairs of their government but the he wants the managers of stock funds to control who the leadership should be of all trading nations. The financial nobility should be concerned about these unorthodox candidates because they are the cause of it and it will continue to get worse for them and their stock holdings if they don't have more fairness and economic reform that benefits everyone and not just those managing funds. The business press stooges such as this dweeb can continue writing slanderous bullshit on Bernie sanders and Donald Trump but few read their publications or are even affected by it outside of the establishment leaders that enjoy Barrons or Wall Street Journal and the economist. people will elect the leaders they think best represents an improvement and change from the status quo that fat meathead writers for outlets such as Barrons will defend to the end.

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