Terry Blue
I have listened to professor Richard Wolff and his Economic Update podcast for some time and as a international taxi journalist I have taken special notice that Wolff often mentions the taxi industry on his program. He has taken a special interest in taxi industries and its continuous battle with new technology start ups that basically threaten the very fabricate of this industry. In a recent podcast he said this was another example of the private investing industrial complex taking aim at an industry and working-class jobs in America and the American worker.

I know that Richard Wolff has taught in urban centers and makes frequent trips to New York often havig taught economics 101 at the New York School of fashion or something. I don't know if Mr Wolff realizes that the vst majority of taxi drivers are illegal immigrants often students well past their student visa that their relatives got them into America supposedly studying Microbiology when instead they are driving to help the family corner Hindu spice grocer store. Richard Wolff is full of shit and if he was a consumer advocate like Ralhp Nadar he would all be for Uber,Lyft, and these other driver share programs giving consumers a choice instead of having to deal with the psychotic drivers that come from the outer edges of Rangoon. Taxi driving as with all driving jobs are usually filled with the lower elements in society who couldn't get a traditional office team jobs working with other people are are often filled with neurotic loners not to off from the classic movie Taxi Driver.

Uber and Lyft actually allows the rider to meet and build up a trusting relationship with someone via tech on their call instead of some random driver from God knows where as the taxi industry has long denied Americans a good stable job and outsourced/insourced jobs by bringing in all these brown Middle Easterners hostile to our country and culture but willing to make and drive down the wages in the industry and work 18 hours a day, something no American worker knows labor laws would ever accept. if these drive sharing programs kill these working-class driving jobs for people who are lucky to have escaped Syria and Egypt then good and let them be. I would rather select a bro a hipster who I can discuss beer and babes instead of a hostile foreigner who believes he is superior based on his faith in some dude that lives and plundered societies in the 7th century. This is something a Richard Wolff can't seem to comprehend and given the choice decades ago Americans seeking rides would of long abandonee the taxi industry as the industry abandoned having American drivers and livable wages and conditions.
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