Conner Bradshaw
First of all I want to say thank you to the blog ownership group for bringing me on board this talented group of writers and pundits other wise known as the social critics. We may all be divided by political ideology and the spectrum but we all have one goal and desire to bring content to our fifty page viewers a day and try to keep this blog slick. I realized soon enough through the intercoms of the office of the Left shark that Max Keiser and his TR videos were constantly playing and decided to check them out and see the appeal. Max Keiser and his woman Stacy Herbert were talking about the financial delusions of Americas failing to realize they are about to be off a financial cliff.

They brought up a news story making rounds of residents in a town in California called Pacifica where they are actually right on a cliff and many are refusing to budge and leave their homes ignoring government warnings. the el Nino storms caused by global warming have put these homes on the brink or more appropriate the edge but many are refusing to see the obvious and staying put thinking they can get out in time. Max and Stacy compared this to the investor of bonds and other market products still thinking the stock market and investing in American and Western companies is wise in this era of austerity where companies only concern for the bottom-line jeopardizes everyone in society.

The American people and capitalist world is living on the edge waiting until the last moment thinking they can hold off disaster and get out in time keeping their wealth and greenbacks Keiser says illustrating the comparison of this dire situation of moronic Californians living in a home about to fall into the Sea. The Keiser Report is a great take of the modern economies and the fraud it has become around the world.
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