Polly Cracker
Star took over the twelve addition of the Puppy Bowl and marked another greatat Animal Planet's challenge to the SuperBowl. Noting beats watching a bunch of puppies battle it out with one another as forty nine rambunctious puppies battled it out over toys as most of the nation was watching football. A twenty week old Chow Chow Labrador scored a bunch of times earning the distinction of being the best dog at this years Puppybowl.

The puppy from Miami-Dade County animal shelter scored two toutchdowns in les than a minute that propelled Team Ruff to an easy victory. The awareness for adopted homes is the goal of this game although the athletic competition between the pupps to get select toys on the other end zone is always cute and interesting alternative to the brutal violence one sees on the Super Bowl. Kittens provided halftime entertainment as they rampaged in a miniature version of San Francisco in a monster destruction scenario. However, Meep the parrot was the bird representative and again stole the show with its wise cracking comments and call of the action.

I am sure the puppy Bowl will be shown many times in its entirely this week for those who missed it and can catch up on Meep the parrots call and the high scoring encounter between these dogs in need of a good home. Without Meep though I doubt that there would be much interest of the puppy bowl through social media.
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