Religious fanatic of many different past religions John Michael Greer writes a monster book

Eric Ericson
  John Michael Greer is a weird dude. he always has been and always will be where ever he can find an outlet to express his beliefs and obsession with magic and ancient rituals. he is an author of many boring books including the only one with a title actually worth opening the pages of simply titled "Monsters". John  Michael Greer criticize the people who criticize the notion and concept of these things existing and in another life one envisions John Michael Greer would of made a good horror movie director instead of neurotic and eccentric environmental author obsessed with extinct minor religions of the world. John Michael Greer says that because people have reported ghosts,golblins,aliens,ghosts,faireys,dragons,Demons,dinosaurs,walking apes, mermaids, wearwolves and hipsters that these bizarre creatures must exist. John Michael Greer doesn't tell the reader about these centuries old sightings is that people in Europe often didn't drink the water because it was contaminated so they were so inebriated most of the time on hard whiskey so maybe these sightings should be taken with a grain of salt. hunger was also a problem in Asian and Europe as well and folktale stories were often used to keep ones mind preoccupied to from listening to their stomachs.Image result for werewolves vs bigfoot Greer thinks because traditional folk stories are filled with stories of monsters that this is somehow roof that they existed although the only bones we have found are of animals scientists have classified. perhaps these monsters so terrified the various ancient peoples or medieval world they burned all the bones of these scary creatures into ash. Greer takes much tie in writing this book some two hundred pages long and makes a lot of conceptions of the world and factual based observational science makes no appearance in this book. Image result for john michael greer monster bookGreer is a druid and best exemplifies religious crazies of the past and it must make one wonder if this is some phase he is in or maybe a character for his writings. I was reading some of this man blog in preparation of this book review and while reading it dawned on me that the concept of belief in monsters seems to really afflict the uneducated religious folks through all times. There is a connection there that maybe someday this whacko druid/Muslim\?Egyptologist/geomancy follower may someday realize and ponder in his writings. I even looked back into my own family and saw the ones with the mentally instability to often say they saw werewolves in forest preserves or UFO's in Minnesota and mermaids in the Caribbean were the most dedicated members of religious faith. there is no sasquatch or bigfoot but luckily humanity has a John Michael Greer who is all real and ready and as scary as much.

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