Nick Dumbjilio
Fifteen years after the movie Zoolander hit the screens with the pitifully nauseating Ben Still Owen Wilson movie the two idiots return for a sequel. Zoolander was so bad that as a movie critic is almost made me leave without watching the whole movie to give it a whole honest perspective. How the hell Ben Still gets all these gigs is pretty radical yet a sequel to this bad movie even surprised me. It came out of fucking no where. There was no appeal to this movie as a dumb and dumber did making a legion of Jim Carey fans . This movie was both boring and miserable and yet somehow Zoolander was a hit with audiences. Both Wilson and Stiller are sons of big time Hollywood producers but the real observant issue is how much of the work they have done is of such poor abysmal substance. These guys make nothing but dumb comedies and most often the case these movies are not funny.
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