Otto Jansen
Tim Cook is a prick for fighting and refusing to comply with a US magistrate decision that the global company aide to US laws and help the FBI hack into the phone of the San Bernardino terrorist and make connections to a global terrorist network that slaughtered Americans celebrating a holiday company party. one must wonder if Syed Rizwan Farook and his ugly bought for wife had shot up a holiday party at Apple headquarters if Tim Cook would still give refusal for authorities to be able to access private information.

A corporatist that Tim Cook and his rotten Apple company really don't care what happens in the world outside the apple bubble and the refusal of this company in helping investigative authorities to get easy access to locked up information is just another technology company trying to protect their clients. Another reason Apple doesn't want to help legal authorities to get access to private information is that their worried that the FBI can gain access to private dark money assets of their wealthy clients and this can open up a whole can of worms and make it easier to go after the tax avoiders and cheats of the world. The punctilious ways apple in the past programmed their phones for total privacy and difficulty of authorities to sue them to get leverage in criminal investigations pretty much sums up the criminal activities and Tim Cook and upper management actually has sympathy for criminals and terrorists. Big corporate companies find government to be their rivals and prevent them from total world domination and somehow in the twisted minds of the people who make these Iphones they actually seem to root for the destruction of governments and the ability of federal, state, and local authorities to manage and police against everything so they can have easier ways for fraud and theft themselves.
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