Gus Perkowski
Tosca Reno is a self-help diet guru author of the eat-clean diet series books which are an excellent source of information for the reader. Most of these readers are woman seeking to improve their self-worth and body image and in her book "Eat-Clean Diet Stripped" Tosca delivers a book with detailed information on how and why she has a fabulous body for stripping. Most women at or near fifty nobody would want to see strip and this is because they are not educated and willing to make the sacrifices to improve themselves.

Tosca gives her exercise tips with many included in the book along with proper food and nutrients your body craves and needs. Tosca highlights the important rule to avoid refined sugar in your diets and the last part of her book offers great recipes and food items for her readers. as she says eating clean is eating green and this woman along with all the other women diet writers emphasize this important rule. The porkers and mad cow eaters out there do not realize that you are what you eat and eating livestock from these American slaughter houses where drugs are injected into the cow to make it larger ensures your fat ass will be larger. This book is an easy read with good color pictures of food and this amazing woman exercise and her steps and training regimes needed to lose those disgusting extra pounds. I like women's diet and exercise books and this is an author I didn't know much about but her writings and book seems to be a tremendous read to guarantee results if the reader follows Tosca's guidelines.
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