Ned Baily
Dr Laurence Kotlikoff is world known for his smile and smirk when he is talking about some president policy plan or other serious issue facing economies around the word in this new global era.

Michael Bloomberg is the billionaire three term mayor who was only by law suppose to serve only two terms. It is interesting that of the hundred thousand or so photos of this jerk in his time as ruling our nations largest city perhaps a couple dozen had this old jagoff actually able to concoct a smile. Michael Bloomberg would be a depressing president for anyone whose bank account doesn't end with eight zeros. Dr Kotlikoff of Boston University often likely has a big smile at some of the stupid economic questions he endlessly fields in his Economics 101 class. Dr Kotlikoff can bring up a smile at the most inappropriate times

on Youtube in a prosaic conversation about how old people will lose their pensions and retirement funds. Michael Bloomberg was known for his boring press conferences where reporters often had to dose themselves with three cups of coffee prior to it in order not to pass out. Both of these similar looking geezers have dumb smiles but to answer the question which of them has the stupidest smile is like asking whether Mars or Venus has the most inhospitable climate.
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