Alex Jones appears on Max Keiser to talk about how Hillary will steal election from fringe candidates

Jamie Logan
   Alex Jones appeared on Max Keiser's program to talk election 2016 and how the establishment is running scared at the strength of the alternative candidates that have the two-party political monopoly scared as shit. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders rise is a clear indication that the political class is worried that people might actually select someone outside from their mainstream. Alex jones told Max Keiser he has been fighting for this day and thinks they will take out Donald trump should he come close to becoming elected. Keiser doubted  said Bernie sander's followers will vote for Hillary much like myself who totally refuse to back another Clinton and candidate that gave us NAFTA and increased trade that only benefits those at top being the decision makers and stock option hoarders of these private companies. Alex Jones and Max Keiser talked about the crony monopolistic capitalist and venture capitalists that use trade to enable their domination and ability to soak up the private companies fortunes into a smaller funnel that they keep for themselves and then use to buy politicians and policy. Alex Jones went on to say that these trade deals have been disastrous for the worker and American people aside from the indigenous Mexican land-owner farmers who have been displaced and forced to migrate to north America and be used to drive down wages. The only way to end this cycle is replacing the senators and congressmen that allowed for this betrayal of the county so a few can mass profit nd travel the world for free.  This same process has pretty much been repeated whether it was Turkish migrants to Germany or Bangladeshi immigrants to the city-state known as London. Alex Jones and Max Keiser went on to discuss the further changing politics seen in America has being preceded about the changing politics many other countries have witnessed around the world and this gives both of these economic challengers to the plutocratic inequality pushers some hope that people are waking up from their television and slumber to realize what is happening and why their lifestyles are declining. both of them talked about how corporatist a Hillary Cliton presidency would mean and how more of the same would be expected and pushed faster through her rule Image result for bernie sanders donald trump

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