Baxter Lomax
Fanta sea lounge claimed to be a restaurant put to its neighbors in Lincoln square this was clearly something more and a major nuisance. This place was loud and crude with a mechanical bull inside for entertainment for the patrons. residents had enough off the amigos coming here thinking they were back in Michoacán, Mexico dressing western while the temperatures were twenty degrees. They petitioned to their local alderman why all these out of neighborhood machismo maniacs were getting drunk in what was zoned as a restaurant and not a nightclub. The Santa Sea clearly tried to change as a business after being allowed to open up and locating at a key
spot and this place didn't even make their own food usually calling a food taco truck to bring quick food to its drunk clientele not knowing if they were in Mexico or America. Lincoln Square residents are no squares they just didn't want their neighborhood turning into Little Village. The ownership didn't stop in making this place a nuisance and clearly if you are given a food license you are to make most of your food from serving edible items and not from drinks. As a bartender at the Itasca inn I am constantly pushing food and the pizza from next doors Tree Guys pizzeria where people are always bringing in food back and forth. the Lincoln Square residents started complaining as the patrons became more lewd on the streets urinating often on plants and crapping on sidewalks when bathrooms got overflowed. this was also a disgusting place that allowed smoking well past the ban and I am happy to announce that in 2015 the Santa Sea lounge in Chicago became no mo.
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