Cecil Brewster
A consortium led by Chongqing casino enterprise is tryin to buy the Chicago stock exchange and Chinese state media announced the goal of this purchase was to bring more Chinese firms into the US market. basically what they meant is that China wants to buy North America farmland and commodities markets as they have in Africa and basically ship food and grain to feed their growing appetite for meat. This stock exchange deal stinks and no exchange on American soil should sell themselves to a freeing consortium especially from a country where intellect property rights and out-right corporate theft and espionage of our industry standard practice. I cannot believe the American public is so zombified not to be in an uproar that a trading financial exchange is up for sale given how easily trades and fiancé brought down this country's economy in 2008.

I mean really. your going to sell the Chicago sock exchange to fucking China at the same time we keep sending carriers to the South China seas in an effort to show some muscle against the rising tide of Chinese military that threatens are Asian allies. is his country's leaders, elites, business people all decked out on meth much like the population of Quincy, Illinois or a Lincoln Nebraska? I wonder how much longer before this country sells prt of our nuclear arsenal hidden in the mountains of rural backwards Colorado to China or Russia and one of the first steps would be to redirect the arsenal away from Moscow and Beijing and direct them towards a Boston, or Washington or maybe even a methed-out Quincy , Illinois. Shit maybe direct it at Milwaukee or Waukegan. maybe the stock exchange Chinese company can put a ten dollar toll to pass through underneath the stock exchange in downtown Chicago. luckily some security exchanges will look into detail if this is advisable to sell an American exchange to a Chinese state-run company that will then use its influence to interfere with the commodity markets in America to the advantages of authoritarian China

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