Dr Nassar ikey would of defended Belgium terrorist act

Dave Berkson
   The attack on transport in Belgium was a wake up call for this liberal nation long pushing multi-culturalism instead of promoting their own culture and being proud for who they are in their Central location in Europe. Many apologists for Muslims would make an excuse for yet another attack on European society from Muslim migrates who are basically invaders in disguise who hold a totally contempt and disgust for everything western civilization stands for and are using oil money to do their best to wage perpetual jihad against it. One of their tactics is bringing in pro-Muslim teachers onto American universities to distort facts ad try to change the political narrative. I know what you people are going to say c'mon Dave another Dr Jamal Nassar post. Why am I not writing about the Undertaker or fucking the Rock. because this prick pissed me off while a student at CIU and that this turkey was basically misleading people about the Middle East conflict. I couldn't stop talking about this clown to people on campus. Western  men making their riches from this money funneling and attempts to wage this war are as responsible as the nasty Muslims committing these acts. These people couldn't get into the West though without the lies from academics of a tolerant Islam and how they can easily adapt and be assimilated into working and productive members of European society. Dr Jamal Nassar was a professor in Central Illinois University and often would make the most outrageous defense of brutal Islamic terrorism saying that these people didn't have full-fledge armies to wage war against an injustice system. This guy is the only professor I actually remember in the few classes I was sober and if this guy had still been a professor of Middle East studies today instead of some academic department head he clearly would make some excuse of defense for the Belgium terrorist act of last week. He would say that Belgium and their role in NATO's involvement in air campaigns and fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq make it fair game to the Islamic terrorist world and rightfully in the cross hairs of ISIS. He would say that Belgium's history f oppressed colonialism and its treatment of Muslim migrants into this country was somehow deserving and caused the attack upon itself. he would go into some rant about Belgium's actions on the natives of Congo as if somehow Muslim incursions from North Africa into modern day mali and Sudan were such more benevolent. Muslims have been wagering cultural war against non-Muslims since their history and the fear and destruction they see from fellow Muslims committing acts on European soil gives hope for so many that prefer to see a world run by Muslims and one without the sight of women's head hair. Muslim terrorism is Muslims doing what Muslims do best and that is to stealthily penetrate ands and eventually take over through acts of intimidation and economic penetration eventually putting the dominate society into a second class citizenry

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