Neil Knight
R J Eskow had Helanie Olen on his program talking about a program that Marco Rubio actually had as an idea of his campaign. Rubio had a proposal that was a great idea for money opening up a 401k plan to all workers regardless if their company offered a 401k plan or not. Olen said this is part of his platform that has received little attention in this campaign and Olen wondered why Rubio was not making more of an issue of this retirement pan that would benefit many Americans.

This federal thrift saving plan is a great idea and an important savings plan that many Americans for not have. the federal plan is superior to private 401 k plans because of the efficiency and cost saving plans which prevents the endless unnecessary for-profit driven plans through private 401k plans by the financial industry in America. The private industry charges about fifty or more dollars per ten grand invested buy Americans while the Rubio plan was totaled to cost about two dollars per ten grand. Olen also said these retirement funds are easier to manage unlike the current system that offers a slew of high-fee managed funds often confusing the average investor in order to mass profits for the financial management of 401k plans by companies. Helanie Olen is a awesome finance writer often informing people of many mismanagement of corporate rulers intent on bamboozling the average citizen.

The assortment of financial lobbyists have stepped forward fighting this federal thrift plan offering a choice and cheaper alternatives for Americans to be added to a savings and retirement plan outside of the current private industry not willing o lower costs and charge more in order for their CEOs can live a global jet lifestyle. A federal plan would have lower administration costs and not be so costly and eschewed towards more corporate profits in something that should be as simple as peoples retirment plans.

Olen says states are trying to get into this field and force a lower of costs and get away from the private monopolistic domination of the retirement industry and managing of people's retirement plans outside of New York financial banking profiteers who actually seek to steal from your retirement accounts for their upper management and Chief Executive Officers yacht collections. Rubio is likely under pressure to end tis idea.
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