Lee Park Kong
Ian Freeman and Mark Edge run some little listened to libertarian program out of New Hampshire. the were discussing North Korean sentence of an American student named Otto Warmbier and basically said how stupid this guy was to traverse into North Korea and cause trouble trying to steal a propaganda banner for some church. freeman and Edge said that North Korea is the utopia socialist state and that this guys whose motivation in traveling to a place the state department highly recommends people don't travel shows the inclination of liberals thinking they can change the world. Otto Warmbier will now serve fifteen years of hard labor and the Free Talk Live radio hosts wonder if this guy will survive this as like many Americans he is not use to any real hard labor in his life.

I am surprised Ian freeman and Mark edge didn't support this student from going to North Korea as libertarians most of which feel open borders and freedom of movement of money and capital are a right. North Korea often accuses the United states of regular sending over spies to report and talk to North Koreans in attempting to foster some dissent which Americans have been known to export world-wide to achieve their geo-political gains.

churches are also part of the problem and this is something the rail-thin Ian Freeman didn't mention as yet again another church is involved in this incident offering a brand new car to old young Otto so he can steal a banner to hag on the wall of friendship United Methodist church. Ian has his own brush with the law here in America as an libertarian activist and suggested these Americans would be better off to agitating our government and would receive a sentence of easy or no labor. This church is personally responsible to why this young man now finds himself in a prison much worse than any Turkish historical prison and they should take donations to help free him. perhaps he can be a future guest for this nasty new Hampshire duo of libertarian hogwash which I was surprised to pick up on my car radio as some affiliate in some local small town station thought these two free Talk Live guys was some sort of thought-provoking program.

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